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A simple plugin that allows for customizable private messages. Adds reply and social spy functionality

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A simple plugin that allows for players to send private messages to one another, and reply to the last person who they messaged or received a message from.
This plugin also has 'social spy' which allows for moderation of these messages.


  • /msg (or dm, m, pm, tell, t)
    Allows the user to send a private message to another player.
    Usage: /msg <recipient> <message>.
    This command requires the spm.message.send permission.

  • /reply (or /r, /re):
    Allows the user to reply to a previously received private message.
    Usage: /r <message>.
    This command also requires the spm.message.send permission.

  • /socialspy (or /ss, /spy, /sspy):
    Toggles socialspy for the user.
    Allows staff members to read other people's private messages.
    This command requires the spm.socialspy.toggle permission.

  • /spmreload:
    Reloads the SimplePM configuration.
    This command requires the spm.reload permission.


  • spm.socialspy
    Allows a player to read other player's private messages.
    Default: op
  • spm.socialspy.toggle:
    Allows a player to toggle socialspy on and off
    Default: op
  • spm.recipient.override
    Allows a player to send players a direct message whether they have the receive permission or not. Useful for staff.
    Default: op
  • spm.consolespy:
    Allows a player to read messages being sent from the console directly to players
    Default: op
  • spm.reload:
    Allows a player to reload the plugin configuration/locale.
    Default: op
  • spm.message.send:
    Allows a player to send direct messages with /msg and /r.
    Default: true
  • spm.message.receive
    Allows a player to receive direct messages
    Default: true

PlaceholderAPI integration

You can use placeholderAPI placeholders in the messages by doing: <papi:placeholder>
You will need to remove any % from the placeholder, and put in the text alone, so for the placeholder %player_displayname% you would use <papi:player_displayname> in the file here.
You will need placeholderAPI installed for those placeholders to work


Published onApril 29, 2023

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