Remember that being just a plugin it can't work wonders!
If you have a server with underpowered hardware or with a free host, don't expect great performances!
Also, although spigot support has been introduced, remember that bungeecord is a better choice for handling large attacks and that on spigot it could cause slowdowns!
When installing the plugin remember that if you have a bungeecord server you will have to put the plugin ONLY in the bungeecord plugin folder! If you use only spigot instead you have to put it in the spigot plugins folder then just reboot and the server!
The plugin supports the entry of players via geyser however there are some changes you need to make in the config to ensure that there are no problems!
First you have to deactivate the packet check, then you have to modify the legalname check by making it allow players with names containing the charater that geyser adds to the minecraft base name to enter, if the charater is the dot (".") then you don't have to do anything, otherwise you have to change the regex (you can ask for help in my discord server for this by opening a ticket).
Fully customizable (config & messages)
VPN system for detecting slow attacks.
Hook to IPSet & IPTables for handling large attacks.
A great variety of checks to detect as many bots as possible.
An intelligent filter that activates only during attacks to avoid filtering important server errors.
An easy verification system for non-bot players during attacks.
An ID based blacklist system that will allow you to manage your blacklist more easily!
Automatic notifications when there is an attack.
Automatic attack logging system!
An autopurger for blacklist, whitelist and attack logs.
- /uab help - displays help message
- /uab toggle actionbar/title/bossbar - toggle notification
- /uab stats - displays antibot stats
- /uab clear blacklist/whitelist - will clean up one of the two
- /uab whitelist add/remove - manage whitelist
- /uab blacklist add/remove - manage blacklist
- /uab logs list/info - manage attack logs
- /uab cache status/clear - manage uab cache
- /uab firewall - displays firewall stats
- /uab check - checks for a blacklisted player
- /uab reload - reload messages
- /uab dump - used for support assistance
- /uab help -
- /uab toggle actionbar/title/bossbar - uab.command.toggle
- /uab stats - uab.command.stats
- /uab clear blacklist/whitelist - uab.command.clear
- /uab whitelist add/remove - uab.command.whitelist
- /uab blacklist add/remove - uab.command.blacklist
- /uab firewall - uab.command.firewall
- /uab check - uab.command.check
- /uab reload - uab.command.reload
- /uab dump - uab.command.dump
- Automatic notification - uab.notification.automatic
- ANTI-VPN bypass permission - uab.bypass.vpn
version: 4.3
# _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
# | | | | | | (_) | | /\ | | (_) | | |
# | | | | | |_ _ _ __ ___ __ _| |_ ___ / \ _ __ | |_ _| |__ ___ | |_
# | | | | | __| | '_ ` _ \ / _` | __/ _ \ / /\ \ | '_ \| __| | '_ \ / _ \| __|
# | |__| | | |_| | | | | | | (_| | || __/ / ____ \| | | | |_| | |_) | (_) | |_
# \____/|_|\__|_|_| |_| |_|\__,_|\__\___| /_/ \_\_| |_|\__|_|_.__/ \___/ \__|
#For any question / problem please open a ticket on my discord server,
#here is the link:
# (!) DEBUG MODE (!)
#Setting it to true will allow me to help you better during the assistance however
#it results in a spam of useless messages in the console :(
debug: false
#UltimateAntibot V4 brings with it great improvements, ways of adapting the antibot
#to the performance of the machine based on its performance have been created.
detect-server-performance: true
# (!) WARNING (!)
# If set to true it will be able to calculate the time that the server takes to do all its operations!
# This involves creating a thread that could burden low-powered servers!
# It is recommended to use it only in dedicated servers or in vps with more than 8 cores!
# Use it at your own risk!
enable-latency-thread: false
#Enable bossbar notification on attack (1.9+)
enable-bossbar-automatic-notification: true
#Disable notifications after an attack?
disable-notifications-after-attack: false
#If set to true, when you receive an attack on your server the
#console will not write any warning messages (referring only to UAB messages)
disable-console-attack-message: false
# (!) AUTO-PURGER (!)
#By default all auto-purge checks are performed maximum once every 5 minutes according to the set conditions below
#in the current case, when the blacklist goes up 15k+ IPs and there is no attack it will be cleared
#in the second case (AFTER_ATTACK), after an attack if the blacklist contains 15k+ IPs will be cleared
value: 15000 #amount of ip
enabled: true
#same as blacklist
type: LIMIT
value: 2500 #amount of ip
enabled: false
#It will delete logs older than 15 days
value: 15 #days
enabled: true
#Antibotmode has the utility of mitigating the attack, blacklisting + ip possible,
#Duration of the anti-botmode when activated
keep: 15 #seconds
#If there are 10 connections in 1 second the antibot mode will be activated!
trigger: 10
#Slowmode duration
keep-slow: 25
#disconnect joined players
disconnect: true
#Pingmode allows player connections to your server!
#Duration of the ping-mode when activated
keep: 10
#How many pings in 1 second does it take to activate the protection?
trigger: 100
#MotdKiller Protection
#Send the server logo during a ping attack?
send_info: false
#Works Only on Bungeecord Waterfall ect...
#Duration of handshakemode
keep: 15
#How many blocked packets in 1 second for enable?
trigger: 15
#if the handshake has an invalid protocol do I have to blacklist it?
blacklist-invalid-protocol: true
#Minimum online time to be whitelisted
playtime_for_whitelist: 10 #minutes
clearcache: 60 #seconds
auth: 300 #seconds
register: 120 #seconds
update: 15 #seconds
#enable firstjoin
enabled: true
#This check checks the number of accounts entered by the same ip within 60 seconds during antibot mode
#Clear cache time
time: 200
#max accounts to blackist
limit: 3
enabled: true
#If an ip joins 35 times in 300 seconds
#Clear cache time
time: 300
#max joins in 300 seconds to get blacklisted
limit: 35
enabled: true
#Clear cache time
time: 300
#Allows users to whitelist
#Through min-max ping
ping: 4-7
#Min max TimerCheck
timer: 3-7
#When the time for verification runs out,
#you have 1.3 second to join
between: 1300 #milliseconds
#BlackList enable condition
percent: 90
#If player fail this check 25 times will be blacklisted
maxfails: 25
#If a player has to ping the verification,
#the non-verifying players will have a counter of the times they pinged the
#server to enter!
#On bungeecord will use protocol name
#On spigot will use the motd
#Editable in messages.yml
ping_interface: true
#All nicknames with a length less than or equal to 16 and containing
#characters such as "_" and "." the point is supported for geyser players to enter the server
#If you use a different character such as a "," just substitute it at the point in the expression below!
name-regex: "[a-zA-Z0-9_.]*"
enabled: true
#If a player who enters contains one of the following strings in his name he will be blocked!
blacklist: true
enabled: true
#The second string after the command will be taken as the password
- "/register"
- "/reg"
- "/l"
- "/login"
limit: 3 #if 3 players uses the same password will be blacklisted
blacklist: true
antibotmode: true
enabled: true
#This check will check if a player sends a certain packet,
#which the bots do not send, to 5 bots that do not send it
#in 60 it will perform the various actions
#If you see any abnormal kicks on your server it is recommended to disable it!
time: 120 #seconds
trigger: 5
#dev only
condition: 0
blacklist: false
kick: true
antibotmode: true
enabled: true
#if from same ip 4 accounts are online
#will perform the various actions
time: 0 #ignored here
trigger: 4
condition: 0 #ignored here
blacklist: true
kick: true
antibotmode: true
enabled: true
#This is the firewall section, to work correctly it requires the IPSet and IPTables service,
#otherwise the hook will not be activated.
#It will only work if the start script has permissions to execute the commands, it may not
#work on sites that offer minecraft servers as a pterodactyl panel (aternos, elixirnode,, etc ...)
#Removing / changing one of these commands in case you don't know what
#you are doing is highly discouraged and could cause lag problems.
#Positive points:
#After about 5 minutes of attack the number of connections per second will be lowered to 50/100
#The time depends on the number of IPs to be blacklisted
#Negative points:
#Slower on spigot!
#There will be an increase of CPU usage during ip blacklisting (Especially on low-powered servers)
enabled: false
#Unique name of IPSet
ip-set-id: "uab_blacklist"
#The duration of the blacklist for each ip
# timeout: 0 seconds, 0 = cancels on server restart or on blacklist clear (with command)
#Also clear the firewall blacklist when the blacklist is reset by command?
reset-on-blacklist-clear: true
#Commands executed to load the hook
- "sudo ipset create %set% hash:ip %options% %t%"
- "sudo iptables -N UltimateAntiBot"
- "sudo iptables -F UltimateAntiBot"
- "sudo iptables -A UltimateAntiBot -p tcp -m set --match-set %set% src -j DROP"
- "sudo iptables -A INPUT -p tcp -j UltimateAntiBot"
- "sudo iptables -F UltimateAntiBot"
- "sudo iptables -D INPUT -p tcp -j UltimateAntiBot"
- "sudo iptables -X UltimateAntiBot"
- "sudo ipset destroy %set%"
#Command executed to blacklist an ip
blacklist-command: "sudo ipset add %set% %ip%"
- "sudo ipset del %set% %ip%"
# VPN #
#Another anti vpn check (free) provided by:
#Disable this check if you are using
enabled: true
#This check allows you to verify your users during bot attacks!
#The site offers a free plan that you can access by signing up which gives you access to 1k requests per day.
#Each check will cost you 1 request and at the end of the daily requests you will have to wait for the next day,
#provided by:
#if key is not valid proxycheck is disabled (without errors in console (unless you have active debugging!))
api-key: "enter-here-your-key"
#This is to hide messages when players are kicked by the antibot
#usually it's best to keep it turned on to remove spam from the console but
#you can turn it off in case you need to debug something or if you want to see these message.
hide-spigot-disconnect-message: true
#Custom Message filter only works during a bot/packet/ping attack
- "Another plugin has cancelled the connection for" #luckperms on spigot
- "The UUID the player is connecting with now is NOT Mojang-assigned" #luckperms on bungeecord
#Custom message console filter (works 24h/7)
persistent-filter: []
If you find bugs of any kind, I invite you to report them as soon as possible!
You cannot resell this plugin.
You can't take this plugin as your own
Category | Protection |
Published on | September 30, 2023 |
License | Unspecified |
Downloads | 73 |
Stars | 2 |
Watchers | 0 |