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Advanced skills/leveling to add to the existing Minecraft progression. 1.19+

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Athlaeos released ValhallaMMO version 1.3.3 on December 16, 2024

I haven't updated on Hangar for quite some time, the list of changes would be too large. So these are the differences between 1.3.2 and 1.3.3

Anyway, we're out of beta too now.

The following files have been updated and must be reset for the changes to apply: - every skills/progression_ file!

  • replacement_tables/loot_valhallafication.json

Resource pack for 1.21.4+ fixed! Please re-install

ADDED One-shot protection! By default this is 10%, meaning that the player can take at most 90% of their maximum HP in damage. If a player takes 3x their maximum HP in damage in 1 hit, the one-shot protection is ignored. This effect has a 5-minute cooldown by default as well. ADDED Message delay parameters to perk reward messages. Add DELAY(#) before a message, and this and following message will be delayed by # amount in ticks. This is not implemented by default ADDED Command execution modifier. Executes a number of commands when the item is created, such as when a recipe is crafted or registered item is distributed.

FIXED Recipes (among which the classic content package) not actually staying between server restarts. FIXED Trial spawners and mob traps not being considered valid spawn reasons, and so mobs spawned from them did not benefit from dynamic difficulty scaling. FIXED Damage to light/heavy armor stats from light/heavy weapons applying twice instead of once. FIXED Custom items registered in /val items not being capable of having player-required modifiers FIXED Beehive harvesting not rewarding Farming EXP and not benefiting off skills. FIXED Nether trees not being considered trees due to their leaves not really being leaves, and tree capitator not working on them FIXED Weightless stat buffs not being granted with empty hand

TWEAK Stuns no longer disable mob AI, this is because they stopped falling or taking knockback while this happened which clashes with certain skills and looks weird. TWEAK The cooldown display when attempting an ability now more abruptly disappears once the duration of the display is ended TWEAK Disabling the custom breaking system now continues to apply mining speed buffs according to stats (only works on 1.21.5+)

BALANCE Mob farms now nerf enchanting skill EXP, regardless of the type of mob farm. If 20 mobs of the same type have been killed in the same area (chunk) you start accumulating enchanting EXP reduction stacks. Enchanting items removes some of these stacks. Because of this, the nerfed mobs section in enchanting_progression.yml is now deprecated and no longer does anything. BALANCE Increased the limit of mitigations gotten from enchantments, as people were reaching the cap very easily BALANCE Every NG+ skill now doubles the amount of exp required for the next loop. Previously unlocking NG1 would reduce exp gain by 25%, as well as NG2. Now unlocking NG1 reduces exp gain by 50% (effectively doubling) and NG2 reduces exp gain by an additional 17% (effectively tripling).

API Made it easier to register new skills, profiles, and perk rewards.


Published onDecember 16, 2024


Paper Paper (1.19-1.21.4)