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Fix many exploits on paper / folia anarchy servers

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Ginko released AnarchyExploitFixes version 2.5.0 on October 15, 2023


  • Commands can now be turned on or off in config.yml. The server will need a restart for changes to take effect though. (#146)
  • Added /aef disable command for testing and better plugman/serverutil reloads (Using them on aef is still not recommended).
  • Added option to configure mob pathfinding limits to reduce mobai ticks (#145)
  • Added module to prevent flying flooding machines using waterlogged blocks in Folia build
  • Added module to remove illegal storage items with pre-stored item nbt tags
  • Added module to remove illegal damage nbt tags
  • Improved preventions.portals.prevent-destroying-end-portals
  • Added bundle checks to all illegal item modules in Folia build
  • Replaced usage of almost all deprecated API in Folia build
  • Improved performance and configurability for all illegal item modules


  • Fixed trapdoors dropping but not breaking when using prevent-redstone-on-trapdoor-crash
  • Fixed bucket entities not spawning when using illegals.spawn-eggs.prevent-using (#152)
  • Fixed revert-specific-higher-enchants doing nothing (#151)
  • Fixed false positives when inside vehicles in Burrow Module (#150)
  • Fixed error in anti nether roof module for Folia (#147)
  • Fixed lag when using first-join-messages and a lots of new players would join at the same time
  • Fixed anti-bed-trap module resetting bed without checking if the player is actually bed trapped (#144)
  • Fixed preventions.permanent-block-breaking.by-exploding-pistons
  • Fixed es_es.yml and pt_br.yml

Once again:

Use the "Legacy" build if you're running Minecraft 1.12 - 1.19.4 and the "Folia" build if you're running Folia 1.19.4+ or Paper 1.20+


Published onOctober 15, 2023


Paper Paper (1.12-1.20.2)


Paper Paper
Edit Plugin Dependencies: Paper