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A New Era of Skyblock plugins

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sh0inx released IridiumSkyblock version 4.1.0B on May 6, 2024

Known Issues

  • Stacked blocks and spawners are acting a lil strange, but they're mostly sorted out. If it takes more than five minutes for the database to update, that means its bugged.

Since 4.0.10 BETA 2

  • Island regeneration should no longer throw an error if a world is disabled.
  • Upgrades and boosters should no longer break the plugin when maxed out.
  • Stacked blocks and spawners from supported plugins should no longer disappear from the database when the island is unloaded.
  • Spawn support was updated, including spawnOnIsland, which means we should be able to support more spawn plugins! Let us know in #suggestions-skyblock if there's one you'd like to see.
  • Block values are back, and this time, you can see how many of each block are on an island! This should use the same exact config file from v3, but you may need to adjust the inventory size in inventories.yml (for v3 parity, use 18).
  • spawnerEnhancement received a small rework, so now your spawners can get a bigger and better boost (and have support for the aforementioned stackers). However, this may break your current configuration. You'll want to add spawnMultiplier under spawnCount for each level you have (and set it to 1 for default).
  • /is info received a small upgrade - you can now use /is info location to get the island info for the island you're standing on (if any).
  • A new permission, INTERACT, has been added, and will fix the problem with signs and item frames. Players can no longer take items out of item frames, either.
  • Visitor placeholders are now available, and the placeholders for enhancements has been changed from upgrades/boosters to enhancements for consistency.



  • All entities are now cleared from the region on island delete/regen.
  • Added defaultIslandName config option to set the default name of an island (use %owner% to get player's name).
  • Optimized placeholders & top scoreboard via a new caching system.
  • Added getOwner() and getMembers() API methods and fixed an issue where the instance could be null.
  • Fixed an issue with island settings not being disabled.
  • Optimized the IridiumSkyblock world check for performance.
  • Fixed the Trusts GUI to correctly display trusts.
  • Optimized mission loading by loading them per player on player join.
  • Added spawnOnIsland to have players respawn on their islands.
  • Added INTERACT permission to fix item frames and signs not being protected by permissions.


  • Added new translatable text for settings and placeholders in messages.yml


  • %bankItem_cost% now correctly displays for the shop, biomes, and schematics (%cost% has been changed to %vault_cost% for parity).
  • New suffixes!
    • enhancement_active
    • enhancement_level
    • enhancement_time_hours/minutes/seconds
    • visitors
    • visitors_amount
    • experience
    • experienceToLevelUp
    • experienceForNextLevel


  • Added /is level and /is blockvalues (yes, it's back!) commands, and implemented /is info location.


  • Added new config options regarding leveling:
    • enableLeveling: Whether to give island levels.
    • giveLevelRewards: Whether to give level rewards.
    • flatExpRequirement: How much experience should go into a level.
    • curvedExpModifier: An exponential curve (set to 1 for linear).
  • Added new level checks on shop purchases, biome purchases, schematic purchases, and mission completion, and added levelRequirementLore to shop.yml and biomes.yml to indicate level requirements (%minLevel% will display the required level).
  • Added islandCreationCost to determine whether islands only require purchase on island regen.


  • Added RoseStacker, WildStacker, and ObsidianStacker support.
  • Added spawnMultiplier to spawnerEnhancements to multiply the number of entities spawned.
  • Fixed an issue where a player would place a spawner in 1.19+ and trigger an error.
  • Fixed an issue with updating spawners with spawn eggs.
  • Made it easier to add supported plugins in the future.


  • Added generatorType config option, with options VOID, OCEAN, and VANILLA.
  • Added generators.yml config file
    • biome: what biome the world will generate (no more biome randomness!)
    • canSpawnEntities: Whether the world will spawn entities in it.
    • floor: Material for the ocean floor to be made of.
    • underfloor: Material for the rest of the world to be made of.
    • liquidType: Material for the water.
    • liquidHeight: What y-level to stop generating water at.
    • minFloorHeight: The lowest point for the ocean floor.
    • maxFloorHeight: The highest point for the ocean floor.
    • decorate: Whether to generate decorations (ores, pools, seaweed, etc.).
  • In order for these generators to work with island regen, a copy of each IridiumSkyblock world is saved in IridiumSkyblock/regenWorlds and they are loaded at runtime.


Published onMay 6, 2024


Paper Paper (1.13-1.20.4)