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A New Era of Skyblock plugins

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sh0inx released IridiumSkyblock version 4.1.0B-3 on June 10, 2024


We are working on fixing the generators to be more compliant with our code base and to be easier to maintain, they will be returning in a future release.


  • 1.20.6 support.
  • All entities are now cleared from the region on island delete/regen.
  • Added defaultIslandName config option to set the default name of an island (use %owner% to get player's name).
  • Fixed an issue with island settings not being disabled.
  • Fixed the Trusts GUI to correctly display trusts.
  • Fixed an issue where island visitors would have their inventory wiped when the island they were visiting was deleted / regenerated.
  • Fixed an issue where offline players would not have their inventory wiped on island delete / regen.
  • Added spawnOnIsland to have players respawn on their islands.
  • Added INTERACT permission to fix item frames and signs not being protected by permissions.
  • Re-implemented the ability for players to click with Island Crystals to deposit them into the bank.
  • Added a check for if the player is in a gamemode that allows flight natively.


  • Added new translatable text for settings and placeholders in messages.yml


  • Scoreboard placeholders are no longer capped at 20.
  • %bankItem_cost% now correctly displays for the shop, biomes, and schematics (%cost% has been changed to %vault_cost% for parity).
  • New suffixes!
    • enhancement_active
    • enhancement_level
    • enhancement_time_hours/minutes/seconds
    • visitors
    • visitors_amount
    • experience
    • experienceToLevelUp
    • experienceForNextLevel


  • New Commands:
    • /is level - displays your island's experience and level.
    • /is blockvalues (blocks/spawners) (team) - yes, it's back, and better than ever! You may need to adjust the inventory size in inventories.yml (for v3 parity, use 18).
  • Updated Commands:
  • /is info (--get-location) - added an arugment to get info for the island at your location.
  • /is bank & /is experience can now be run from the console.


  • Added new config options regarding leveling:
    • enableLeveling: Whether to give island levels.
    • giveLevelRewards: Whether to give level rewards.
    • flatExpRequirement: How much experience should go into a level.
    • curvedExpModifier: An exponential curve (set to 1 for linear).
  • Added new level checks on shop purchases, biome purchases, schematic purchases, and mission completion, and added levelRequirementLore to shop.yml and biomes.yml to indicate level requirements (%minLevel% will display the required level).
  • Added islandCreationCost to determine whether islands only require purchase on island regen.


  • Added RoseStacker, WildStacker, and ObsidianStacker support.
  • Added spawnMultiplier to spawnerEnhancements to multiply the number of entities spawned.
  • Fixed an issue where a player would place a spawner in 1.19+ and trigger an error.


  • Optimized placeholders & top scoreboard via a new caching system.
  • Optimized placeholders by reducing overhead and cutting out unnecessary sorting.
  • Optimized the world check for performance.
  • Optimized mission loading by loading them per player on player join.
  • Optimized NBT fetch to use newer methods introduced by NBTAPI.
  • Modified the PlayerMoveEventListener to only register on player coordinate change, which should improve performance.
  • Refactored EssentialsSpawn support and made it easier to add supported plugins in the future. Let us know what spawn plugins you want to see supported in #suggestions-skyblock!


  • Added getOwner() and getMembers() API methods and fixed an issue where the instance could be null.
  • Created SupportManager to manage supporting classes, which includes StackerSupport, SpawnerSupport, and SpawnSupport interfaces.
  • Implemented a cache system for skulls to improve performance.
  • Implemented a re-try system for skulls fetching player skins.

Since 4.1.0 BETA

  • EXPERIMENTAL 1.20.6 support
    • Due to the nature of changes introduced by 1.20.5, there may be un-documented bugs.
  • Stacker & spawner support should be completely fixed.
  • Re-implemented the ability for players to click with Island Crystals to deposit them into the bank.
  • Optimized placeholders by reducing overhead and cutting out unecessary sorting.
  • Scoreboard placeholders are no longer capped at 20.
  • Optimized NBT fetch to use newer methods introduced by NBTAPI - this should speed up GUIs.
  • /is top, /is bank, /is experience, and /is info were updated.
  • Fixed an issue where island visitors would have their inventory wiped when the island they were visiting was deleted / regenerated.
  • Fixed an issue where offline players would not have their inventory wiped on island delete / regen.
  • Added a check for the spawnOnIsland feature for if the spawn location is on an island that the player cannot visit.
  • Introduced the FLAT generator type - does exactly what you think it does.
  • Fixed the flight enhancement staying enabled outside the player's island.
  • Added a check for if the player is in a gamemode that allows flight natively.
  • Modified the PlayerMoveEventListener to only register on player coordinate change, which should improve performance.


Published onJune 10, 2024


Paper Paper (1.13-1.20.6)