Welcome to the Hangar Open Beta. Please report any issue you encounter on GitHub!
1.1 - The Big Update
This update adds, removes and fixes a lot of stuff, heck even the jar is smaller! As always, contact me on discord @JakeGBLP or open an issue on the github repo in case there's one.
Click Section
spawn pig at player:
set display name of entity to "&dPig"
on click on entity:
broadcast "%entity% has been clicked!"
Damage Section
spawn pig at player:
set display name of entity to "&dPig &7- &c%health of entity%&8/&c%max health of entity%"
on damage of entity:
set display name of victim to "&dPig &7- &c%health of victim - final damage%&8/&c%max health of victim%"
Heal Section
spawn pig at player:
set display name of entity to "&dPig &7- &c%health of entity%&8/&c%max health of entity%"
on heal of entity:
push entity upwards
broadcast "%entity% has been healed, yay"
Published on | March 11, 2024 |
Downloads | 2 |
Paper (1.20-1.20.4)