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An actively maintained, support given, and addon supported fork of Brewery with tons of extras

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Jsinco released this version: April 11, 2024

Hey everyone. Another small patch/update. You can now add glints to to brews in your recipes by using:

recipes: example_recipe: glint: true There's also been a few other small changes. In addition to this, I have some things I want to say about the future and current state of this Brewery fork.

From now on, all BreweryX releases will include a Kotlin reduced version on Github. Kotlin is necessary to run the current addons for Brewery and possibly other classes in Brewery in the future if I or other contributers choose to write in Kotlin. This Kotlin reduced version stops Spigot from loading Kotlin for BreweryX at runtime and will rely on another plugin to load these classes or provide them at runtime. If you download and use this reduced version without having another plugin that does this, BreweryRecipes will not work and BreweryX's functionality may be limited or break in the future. BreweryX will most likely move to Gradle, Kotlin/Groovy DSL. This probably doesn't concern 99% of you but in the future I will most likely move BreweryX from Maven over to Gradle. Legacy support for older versions of Minecraft will most likely end soon. According to bStats, only about 0.15% of servers are running BreweryX on a server lower than 1.14 meaning that a lot of the bulk code and turning off features for specific versions will no longer be around and server owners running these versions will need to upgrade or use older versions of BreweryX. I won't be removing any current code to support this but I will not be rewriting new things in support of these older versions.


Published onApril 11, 2024


Paper Paper (1.8-1.20.4)