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An actively maintained, support given, and addon supported fork of Brewery with tons of extras

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Jsinco released BreweryX version 3.4.10 on February 23, 2025

This release contains a lot of fixes, changes, and a few feature additions. I would HIGHLY recommend upgrading to this verison if you are using any type of SQL storage method.


  • SQLite is now the default storage method for BreweryX. For servers that experience slow saving times with FlatFile storage, you should migrate to SQLite, MySQL, or MongoDB. ~ by Nadwey -> To migrate, start your server using the storage method FlatFile. Next, change your storage method to SQLite or another database storage method. Finally, run: /brew data reload and /brew data save to finalize your migration.


  • You can now configure barrel inventory sizes ~ by Mitality
  • BreweryX now hooks into the Lands plugin. ~ by Mitality
  • You can now configure your own custom translations in BreweryX ~ by Thorinwasher
  • Added a Ukranian translation ~ by Thorinwasher


  • Fixes SQL storage methods not deleting objects from the database. If you're using an older version of BreweryX with an SQL database, you should update! ~ by Jsinco
  • Fixes Brewery not recognizing cauldron.yml recipes, reference here ~ by Jsinco

That's it, Github generated release notes are below. Have a good day!

What's Changed

Full Changelog: https://github.com/BreweryTeam/BreweryX/compare/3.4.9...3.4.10


Published onFebruary 23, 2025


Paper Paper (1.13-1.21.4)