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An actively maintained, support given, and addon supported fork of Brewery with tons of extras

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Jsinco released BreweryX version 3.4.4 on December 11, 2024

Changes in this version

  • Changed the way addons load to replicate Bukkit's plugin API a bit better. (These API changes are necessary to run the latest version of RecipesAddon!)
  • PaperLib is now used in BreweryX. This will have a noticable increase in performance for those running Paper-based servers. If you have lots of players distilling, lots of RGB used in your recipes, or are running Folia, you'll see a variety of performance improvements/bug fixes in this version. If you're not running a Paper-based server, I highly recommend switching.
  • Unfound woodtypes won't log to console anymore, BreweryX will assume you're running an older server version instead.
  • Custom item names not being color/format parsed are now fixed too

Full Changelog: https://github.com/BreweryTeam/BreweryX/compare/3.4.3...3.4.4


Published onDecember 11, 2024


Paper Paper (1.8-1.21.4)