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Make your players move to random locations to loot custom airdrops

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JoseLu1200 released ksAirdrops version 0.3.4-BETA on January 7, 2024

This update requires config.yml and messages.yml to be deleted OR to add this lines to that files

Messages.yml (renamed "airdrop-auto-removed-broadcast" to "airdrop-removed-broadcast" and "airdrop-auto-removed-console" to "airdrop-removed-console")

airdrop-removed-console: "&eAn airdrop with the ID %airdrop_id% has been removed from %x_coord% %y_coord% %z_coord%" # Placeholders: %airdrop_id%, %x_coord%, %y_coord%, %z_coord%

airdrop-removed-broadcast: "&eAn %airdrop_name% around %max_corner_x_coord% %max_corner_z_coord% and %min_corner_x_coord% %min_corner_z_coord% has gone" # Placeholders: %airdrop_name%, %x_coord%, %y_coord%, %z_coord%, %max_corner_x_coord%, %max_corner_z_coord%, %min_corner_x_coord%, %min_corner_z_coord%; Corner placeholders are affected by the location offset, normal coords are the real ones.

Config.yml (added "broadcast-spawn-remove"): broadcast-spawn-remove: true # Broadcast messages when an airdrop is summoned or removed (customizable in messages.yml). Added:

  • Option to disable broadcast messages on airdrop spawn and remove. Improved:
  • Spawn and remove broadcast messages, they are now more consistent.
  • Removed "no-airdrops-created-list" message entry and mergued with "no-airdrop-created"
  • Database error messages. Fixed:
  • Prefix on plugin reload.


Published onJanuary 7, 2024


Paper Paper (1.16-1.20.4)