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A simple NPC plugin using packets

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Oliver released FancyNpcs version 2.0.0 on June 28, 2023

FancyNpcs 2.0.0

In this major update, FancyNpcs introduces a revamped project structure, empowering the plugin to seamlessly support multiple Minecraft versions within a single jar file. Gone are the days of limited compatibility - now you can enjoy the benefits of FancyNpcs across various versions!

Full changelog:

  • Versatile Version Support: FancyNpcs 2.0.0 breaks free from its previous limitations by accommodating both newer and older Minecraft versions. The plugin now proudly supports the latest versions 1.19.4 and 1.20.1, ensuring compatibility and flexibility for your Minecraft server.

  • Added PlaceholderAPI support

  • Several fixes

  • Added example images and a new big title to the README

Thank you for your continued support and feedback. We're excited to deliver these improvements and look forward to further enriching your Minecraft gameplay with future updates.


Published onJune 28, 2023


Paper Paper (1.19.4, 1.20.1)