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luck attribute expansion plugin

Report FeelingLucky?


Paldiu released FeelingLucky version 1.3.0 on December 8, 2023

Verbosity update! Use /luck verbose <true | false> to enable / disable chat feedback every time a luck event triggers.

Fixed a few bugs, disabled the "vein-miner" type effect until a better solution can be devised.


  • Added verbose entry to the Player configuration files. Player configuration files will need to be regenerated. Please make sure to make backups of all configurations before regenerating configuration files.
  • Fixed a bug with the hide feature; now, any entity within a 25 block radius will automatically lose target of the player when their luck activates while sneaking.
  • Removed the vein-mining feature as it is unstable and non-functional. A fix and/or replacement will be implemented in a future update.
  • Updated supported version to 1.20.3
  • Adjusted Logging methods.


Published onDecember 8, 2023


Paper Paper (1.18-1.20.3)