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Manage holograms with intelligence

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SlimeDog released pHD version 1.8.0 on June 15, 2023

pHD 1.8.0 was certified for Paper and Spigot 1.20.x. DecentHolograms and HolographicDisplays were certified as hologram-providers for 1.20.4.

Changes in previous releases:

  • Support for MiniMessage and legacy message formats. See Formatting Codes for more information.

  • Support for Hangar update-check by default. Addition to config.yml is necessary if Spigot update-check is preferred. See the wiki for more information.

  • Updated build dependencies

Reminder: pHD does not automatically update existing configuration files. Compare with the canonical files and make any desired changes.


Published onJune 15, 2023


Paper Paper (1.20-1.20.4)


Paper Paper
Edit Plugin Dependencies: Paper