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Sync the data of your Players between several servers with MySQL Sync.

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Sphinx_HD released MySQL-Sync version 1.4.10 on April 8, 2024

Hello there,

the 1.4.10 Bugfix and Performance update is finally out. We have a lot of new stuff packed into this.


  • A Problem was fixed, where non Latin Font corrupted the Database, thanks to 阿橘 for reporting this to me.
  • My own stupidity was fixed, because the &n character is already reserved by Minecraft to underline text. Now the Plugin correctly says, that \n is the character for a new line. Thanks to こうさん for bringing my attention to this.
  • Implemented the Bugfix from Version 1.4.3 correctly into MySQL-Sync (it was not registered in the right way before).


  • The GeneartingPlayerProfileEvent now also knows, if the Playerdata is imported from the active Minecraft World or not.


  • Removed no longer needed implementations of APIs.
  • Removed old HandleData file, this was used before the 1.4 Update, to save and load data out of the MySQL. Since the partial rewrite of this System in the 1.4 Update, this was no longer needed.
  • Updated APIs to their newest Version, so MySQL-Sync is up to date.
  • General update for Java Conventions from meik99 thanks to him. (He can be found on Github)
  • MySQL-Sync also now runs everything in async mode, that can be run in it. This will boost the performance of your servers alot, thanks to Sabbelsock1 for reporting this performance issue to me.


  • Chinese (Simplified) is now a supported Translation, thanks to ifloppy.
  • Swedish is also now a supported Translation, thanks to DLMass. (Both translators can be found on Github)

Again, thank you for all users helping me keep MySQL Sync up to date, and alive, by reporting bugs, writing new translations or simply helping me with some aspects of the coding side.

~ Leo


Published onApril 8, 2024


Paper Paper (1.17-1.20.4)