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Feature packed. Towny and Factions support. Cross-server balance support. More features coming soon.

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creatorfromhell released TheNewEconomy version on January 28, 2024

  • Added replacements for /money for each balance type.
    • $inventory
    • $ender
    • $virtual
  • Added placeholders for each balance type:
    • %tne_balance:inventory%
    • %tne_balance:ender%
    • %tne_balance:virtual%
  • Added support for placeholders in messages.yml translations
  • Added parsing support for custom decimals in command parameters.
  • Added extensive messaging for currency loading
    • This should show the end-user when they have misconfigured a currency.
    • This will also show a message when the folder associated isn't found.
  • Updated TNML to in order to start work on the menu system for TNE.


  • Added more serialization classes for various TNE objects. These will provide an interface for converting TNE objects to JSON strings and back to the object from JSON
  • This will allow for some cool additions in the future for official modules, as well as, allowing for third-party plugins to take advantage for their own use.
    • Current supported types:
      • Currency
      • Denomination
      • Note
      • TaxEntry
      • Account
      • Member
      • HoldingsEntry
  • Updated to the latest version of TNML.
    • The latest version of TNML gives stability and will allow for menus to be added into TNE now.
  • Code is now shared between the Bukkit Core and the Bukkit-fork based cores such as Folia and Paper.
    • This removed 67 files of duplicate code


  • Added shorthand methods for ease-of-use for developers that don't need to utilize the transaction system.
    • setHoldings
    • getHoldings
    • addHoldings
    • removeHoldings
    • hasHoldings
  • Added methods for adding objects to the stand TNE ones
    • addBalanceFormatRule - Adds a rule for the currency formatter, which may be used in the Format configuration
    • addCurrency - Adds a new currency to use with TNE
    • addCurrencyType - Adds a new currency type which may be used by the end user. This may also be used to override current ones such as virtual, item, etc
    • addAccountStatus - Adds a new account status. This may be used to extend the current statuses for something such as a bank status.
    • addAccountType - Adds a new SharedAccountType. This allows adding custom account types for things such as Factions, Lands, etc.


  • Fixed issue where empty entries in the enchantments/flags fields for currency notes would cause issues.
  • Fixed issue where Essentials would send an OfflinePlayer with a null name
  • Removed module download functionality from Sponge as requested by Sponge staff
  • Fixed issue where /money wasn't displaying for multi-currency correctly.
  • Fixed issue where using /tne reset wouldn't clear the cache.
  • Fixed issue where currency configs were creating extra file if currency identifier didn't match file name.
  • Fixed issue where account name wasn't being updated if user renamed themself
  • Fixed issue where Folia Build wasn't working properly
  • Fixed issue where MobDrop config wasn't working properly


Published onJanuary 28, 2024


Paper Paper (1.19-1.20.4)