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PlayTimeManager is a playtime tracker that monitors player activity with extensive customization and automated rewards.

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TheGabro released PlayTimeManager version 3.3.2 on February 28, 2025

❗️The plugin remains fully compatible with data from version 3.0.4 and earlier. Before making any modifications, a backup is automatically created, ensuring a seamless and secure migration to the latest version without data loss. ❗️

New Features & Improvements

New version supported

Added support for version 1.19!

Asynchronous optimizations

Database-related background tasks are now executed asynchronously to prevent potential server slowdowns caused by database delays.


  • Sounds can now be played directly in-game by right-clicking the corresponding icon in the goal settings GUI.
  • Goal renaming and deletion processes have been optimized using asynchronous methods.
  • Players now receive dedicated chat feedback when renaming or deleting goals to confirm the operation's completion.

Recoded reset command

The /playtime <playername> reset command has been completely rewritten and now includes three subcommands for more precise usage:

  • all: Resets both the database records and the server's playtime statistics.
  • db: Resets only the database records, including:
    • Total playtime (both artificial and actual)
    • Achieved goals
    • First join and last seen data
  • stats: Resets only the server's play_one_minute statistic, stored in the world’s stats folder.

A new permission, playtime.others.modify.all, is required to use the wildcard *, which resets playtime for all users in the database.

A safe-reset system has also been introduced—when using the * wildcard for a reset, the plugin now prompts the user to confirm by sending the command a second time.

New backup command

A manual database backup can now be triggered with the command /playtime backup, which requires the playtime.backup permission.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed the sound-playing system to prevent errors when changing goal sounds in the config and reloading the plugin.
  • Resolved an issue where verbose messages still appeared despite goal-check-verbose being set to false.
  • Online players' achieved goals now update correctly during goal renaming or deletion.

    Previously, renamed goals could not be uncompleted for players who were online during the renaming process.

  • Fixed color formatting in the console.
  • Adjusted the order of command property checks.

    Permission checks now occur before verifying user existence.


Published onFebruary 28, 2025


Paper Paper (1.19-1.21.4)


Paper Paper
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