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Easily manage energy production, storage, and consumption with modular components.

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Traqueur-dev released EnergyLib version 1.0.0 on October 7, 2024

Changelog - EnergyLib v1.0.0

[1.0.0] - 2024-10-07


  • EnergyComponent System: Introduced core EnergyComponent<T> class to represent modular energy systems, including EnergyProducer, EnergyConsumer, EnergyStorage, and EnergyTransporter.
  • Energy Networks: Dynamic energy network detection based on block placement. Automatically connect components such as producers, consumers, storage units, and transporters into energy networks.
  • Energy Handling: Added energy management logic to balance production, storage, and consumption. Excess energy is stored in EnergyStorage components, and shortages are handled gracefully.
  • Block Placement and Network Merging: Automatically detect neighboring energy components when a block is placed. Networks merge when a connecting block links two independent networks.
  • Tick-Based Updates: Energy networks are updated every tick, managing energy flow and ensuring real-time behavior.
  • PersistentDataContainer Integration: Energy networks persist across server restarts, using Minecraft's PersistentDataContainer for block-based data persistence.
  • Energy Shortage Handling: Logic added to handle cases where energy production and storage are insufficient to meet consumer demand.
  • Asynchronous Operations: Optimized network discovery and updating using async operations, with chunk-based limitations to ensure efficient performance.


Published onOctober 7, 2024


Paper Paper (1.21)