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kennytv released ViaVersion version 4.10.2 on May 10, 2024

Remember, the release for 1.21 will require Java 17!

  • Fixed entity effect particle and tipped arrow colors in 1.20.4->1.20.5 (by EnZaXD and kennytv)
  • Fixed block entity data in items if the id was missing (by EnZaXD and kennytv)
  • Fixed incoming 1.20.5 banner handling
  • Fixed incoming 1.20.5 player head handling

If you want to get larger version updates early, consider supporting me via https://viaversion.com/donate. See the previous update notes for more info.


Published onMay 10, 2024


Paper Paper (1.8-1.20.6)
Waterfall Waterfall (1.20)
Velocity Velocity (3.3)