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Best way to connect players with your Discord server

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WIND-Studio released DiscordWhitelist version 4.16-INFINITE on April 22, 2023

Today, we're launching the biggest update ever of our plugin. All your ideas came to this update. For some reasons i had no time to work on it in last 4 months, so yeah. There's no any right name of this update, so its like Minecraft 1.20;
Thanks for using our plugin! There is list of most important changes of this update:
・Added Status&Activities. What does that mean? Now you can change online status and change custom status of your bot. Also it has player counter of your server.
・Added UserID to Blacklist. Now you can block not only nicknames, but also user's DiscordID
・Added account Linking. Yes, it is! As we said before, it will be added in this update, so there's it. It will be added as tutorial on our wiki.
・Added RemoveLeftUsers feature. Conditional name, but it means that user who linked his account left from discord will be automatically removed from whitelist on server.
・Added 21 new translations. Some of them are handmade, but the most are machine translated. Full list of them you can find on our wiki
・Added ReactionRoles. As previously conditional name. It means that you can create message with button which will add/remove role to/from user.
・Too many changes in config. Now it have no true/false booleans(only for few things). Now you will get list with features will enabled. If in this list feature will not be exist - it will be disabled.
・Whitelist SlashCommand. We changed its functional, so now it has list option which will return players list in whitelist.
・Also whitelist, but now it's command of OurWhitelist. We changed it name from /whitelist (/wl) to /owhitelist (/owl) to not overwrite default command.
・Added whitelisted players count in /owhitelist command
・Changed translations. Now you finally can translate SlashCommands. ・Added regex check for SlashCommands. Can be turned off
・Added new logo for plugin loading/unloading process
・Embeds. Now you can customize their colors with HEX colors.
・Added possibility to use nicknames with .(dot) before nickname for bedrock users
・Empherial messages now affect to GlobalMessage
・Global welcome message and DM message now is embeds!
・Added Logging feature. Now you will receive logs when someone added/removed from whitelist with SlashCommands, whitelisted via channel, linked/unlinked account and checked for account.
・Oh yeah, account check. You can now check for account either whitelisted or not.
・Same with linked accounts. You can check for full information about linked account with Nickname or DiscordID
・Added Folia support. Our plugin now supports it. Yeah we know it halfly broken, but he has a lot in the future!
・Added sections to DM Message and Global Welcome Message. Now you can create message with many lines!
・Updated JDA to latest - 5.0.0 beta 6
・OurWhitelist now has message when it's already turned on/off.
・Fixed many bugs, including whitelist process bugs.
・Changed plugin's folder name to DiscordWhitelist
・Code rewrote. Now its more efficient, optimized and cleaner.
・Cleaned some trash from project
・Updated plugin design. Now its really clean, modern and looks really beautiful!
・And finally... Added SQLite and MySQL support in plugin! Now plugin support them!

Thanks for read all this stuff. I think in next update you will get many good things, include Linking update, OurWhitelist update and all you need!


Published onApril 22, 2023


Paper Paper (1.8-1.19.4)