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WIND-Studio released DiscordWhitelist version v24.1-DAISY_b2 on December 28, 2023

The end of 4th generation era・v24.1-DAISY

・It's the end of 4th generation era. Sad to hear that, but now there is only just version number... Now plugin will support only 1.14+ versions and Java 14+.
・Fixed Token Encryption system. Make sure you've enabled 'TokenReplacement' feature and replaced your token. Improved encryption system, now it's more secure.
・Added multi-role feature! Now you can form list in RoleID(for example) and provide many roles - bot will add/remove them.
・Fixed typo in EPHEMERAL_MESSAGES. You need(if this feature was enabled) to replace EMPHERIAL_MESSAGES to EPHEMERAL_MESSAGES
・Fixed error: "Unknown message" when CONFIRM_MENU is enabled
・Fixed bug when server will stuck with plugin shutdown
・Added 1.20.4 support
・Fixed Linking. Now it should work with FLOODGATE_BEDROCK feature.


Published onDecember 28, 2023


Paper Paper (1.14-1.20.4)