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Avatar for William278

A simple & customizable no-frills Minecraft chat system

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William278 released this version: April 22, 2023

HuskChat 2.4.1 fixes an issue caused by bad adventure-api shading that prevented the plugin from working on 1.19.3 with Velocity.

As a reminder, to run a chat plugin on a Velocity proxy with 1.19, you must use a special fork of Velocity that removes cancel-prevention checks on signed chat packets. I am now maintaining such a fork for 1.19.3 (as BetterVelocity hasn't been updated), so check the releases page for downloads. This is still just a stopgap until Velocity properly implements a chat API which we are waiting on. Thank you

  • Fixed an AbstractMethodError when sending a chat message on Velocity/1.19.3 caused by bad shaded API relocation

To update from 2.4, just drag+drop. There are no config changes.


Published onApril 22, 2023


Waterfall Waterfall (1.16-1.19)
Velocity Velocity (3.2)


Velocity Velocity

Edit Plugin Dependencies: Velocity