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Allow players to use F3+F4 and similiar client features without giving them OP permissions.

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fabianadrian released OperatorLevel version 3.0.0 on December 4, 2024

This major update fixes a handful of bugs and introduces Sponge support.

OperatorLevel now depends on PacketEvents) which allows for much greater control of the packets than before. While I generally try to avoid having to interact with packets directly, for a project that is entirely based on sending a singular packet to the client I think it's not too bad. And with this, we're able to implement the plugin on platforms that don't have any native API for sending the permission level to the player (Such as Sponge).

With PacketEvents, were now also able to block any packets sent by the server which would otherwise interfered with OperatorLevel's functionality. So no more loosing the permission level given by OperatorLevel when de-opping a player.


  • ⚠️ The plugin now requires PacketEvents
  • Added Sponge support
  • Fixed server overriding the plugin set permission level


Published onDecember 4, 2024


Paper Paper (1.20.6-1.21.3)


Paper Paper
Edit Plugin Dependencies: Paper