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A Minecraft plugin for logging various events to a webhook.

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fabianadrian released WebhookLogger version 3.0.0 on May 16, 2024

WebhookChatLogger is now WebhookLogger!

The scope of the plugin has expanded and WebhookLogger can now log more variety of events in addition to the existing chat event. This includes events such as commands, player deaths and player joins/quits.

Please note that this is a new major version which comes with breaking changes.

Configuration changes

With the name change the configuration directory has also respectively changed to plugins/WebhookLogger.

The configuration has also split into two seperate files now that there are more events. All configuration options for each event is now under the events.yml configuration file where rest of the settings remain in the config.yml file.

WebhookLogger plugin folder

The Discord webhook configuration now takes a URL instead of ID and token. This is one less step for the end user and will simplify the configuration process.

Discord configuration section


Published onMay 16, 2024


Paper Paper (1.17-1.20.6)


Paper Paper
Edit Plugin Dependencies: Paper