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Improve communication between your players in a modern way

Report Socialismus?


whereareiam released Socialismus version 1.3.12 on March 4, 2025

Fixed bugs:

  • Instead of {playerName}, {mentionedName} is used to mention the recipient. This led to visibility of oneself instead of the recipient.
  • When reload was used with default configuration it caused an error.

If you find any bugs or would like to see new features, you can do so on the plugins github page in the issues category.

I'm currently working on the 2.0 version of Socialismus, which will bring modularity and Velocity platform, you can follow the progress here, so don't wonder if the updates are not coming out :) There is already a first release candidate with new features and structure, if you want to help with testing feel free to use it.


Published onMarch 4, 2025


Paper Paper (1.19-1.21.4)


Paper Paper
Edit Plugin Dependencies: Paper