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Broadcast your Minecraft server over the local area network and have it appear in the LAN server list

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LANBroadcaster Discord

LANBroadcaster, originally created by Ruan allows a Minecraft server to be broadcasted over the local area network and appear in the LAN server list without actually adding it.

Why this version?

The original LANBroadcaster, by Ruan has support for Spigot and BungeeCord, bhopahk make its own fork with support for Sponge and Velocity, however this version modularize the project and adds support for Krypton.

Getting Started

LANBroadcaster can be downloaded from the versions tab here.

Once it is downloaded, simply place it in the relevant plugins folder and start your server. No configuration is required.

Note: To use LANBroadcaster with BungeeCord or Velocity, you do not need to install it on the servers itself. Only the proxy.


  • The description field, when displaying the server in LAN, does not support components, so it does not support RGB colors or gradients


CategoryAdmin Tools
Published onMarch 4, 2023
Supports Folia
