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Pterodactyl Anti Crash
Description: Don't let your server crash anymore. With PterodactylAntiCrash you can set your server to restart itself at a certain RAM load to prevent a crash. You will be warned with a countdown before the restart. All messages are fully customizable. It works reliably and prevents crashes.
What you need:
- A server on the pterodactyl panel.
- An api key for the pterodactyl panel.
- Download and upload the plugin on your server.
- Start your server.
- Edit the config.yml (This contains all the information for configuration.)
- Restart your server.
- Installation finished.
- /pteroconfig - Take a look at your configuration of the plugin. For security reasons only in the console.
- /pteroram - Take a look at the current RAM usage.
- /pterosetram - Set the maximum RAM usage before a restart.
- pac.use - To use all commands.
Default Config:
# -------------------------------------
# Settings
# -------------------------------------
threshold: 8192 # Maximum RAM in MB before the server restarts.
apiKey: "ptc_xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" # Your personal api key from the pterodactyl api.
apiUrl: "https://panel.example.com" # The basic url of your panel. ! Important, without a / at the end of the url.
serverId: "xxxxxxxx" # The id of this server. The id can be found in thr url after the /server/.
# -------------------------------------
# Messages
# -------------------------------------
kickMessage: "&cThe server will restart. Connect again in 3 - 5 minutes." # The message shown to a player when the server restarts.
restartMinutes: "&cThe server will restart in {0} minutes!" # The countdown Message for the minutes. {0} will be replaced with the minutes.
restartSeconds: "&cThe server will restart in {0} seconds!" # The countdown Message for the seconds. {0} will be replaced with the seconds.
restartNow: "&cThe server will restart now." # The countdown messasge after 1 second.
pteroram: "&aCurrent RAM usage: {0}" # The message for the /pteroram command. {0} will be replaced with the ram usage in mb.
noPermission: "You don't have the permission to execute this command." # The message for players without the pac.use permission.
Category | Admin Tools |
Published on | February 13, 2024 |
License | Unspecified |
Downloads | 83 |
Stars | 1 |
Watchers | 1 |
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