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Prevent your server from crashing with timely restarts.

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Pterodactyl Anti Crash

Description: Don't let your server crash anymore. With PterodactylAntiCrash you can set your server to restart itself at a certain RAM load to prevent a crash. You will be warned with a countdown before the restart. All messages are fully customizable. It works reliably and prevents crashes.

What you need:

  • A server on the pterodactyl panel.
  • An api key for the pterodactyl panel.


  1. Download and upload the plugin on your server.
  2. Start your server.
  3. Edit the config.yml (This contains all the information for configuration.)
  4. Restart your server.
  5. Installation finished.


  • /pteroconfig - Take a look at your configuration of the plugin. For security reasons only in the console.
  • /pteroram - Take a look at the current RAM usage.
  • /pterosetram - Set the maximum RAM usage before a restart.


  • pac.use - To use all commands.

Default Config:

# -------------------------------------
# Settings
# -------------------------------------
threshold: 8192 # Maximum RAM in MB before the server restarts.
apiKey: "ptc_xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" # Your personal api key from the pterodactyl api.
apiUrl: "https://panel.example.com" # The basic url of your panel. ! Important, without a / at the end of the url.
serverId: "xxxxxxxx" # The id of this server. The id can be found in thr url after the /server/.
# -------------------------------------
# Messages
# -------------------------------------
kickMessage: "&cThe server will restart. Connect again in 3 - 5 minutes." # The message shown to a player when the server restarts.
restartMinutes: "&cThe server will restart in {0} minutes!" # The countdown Message for the minutes. {0} will be replaced with the minutes.
restartSeconds: "&cThe server will restart in {0} seconds!" # The countdown Message for the seconds. {0} will be replaced with the seconds.
restartNow: "&cThe server will restart now." # The countdown messasge after 1 second.
pteroram: "&aCurrent RAM usage: {0}" # The message for the /pteroram command. {0} will be replaced with the ram usage in mb.
noPermission: "You don't have the permission to execute this command." # The message for players without the pac.use permission.


CategoryAdmin Tools
Published onFebruary 13, 2024

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