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ChatFormatter allows you to fully costomize your servers chat with placeholders and color codes. The plugin supports PlaceholdersAPI and Color Codes. It also comatible with LuckPerms.
Everything can be customized in the config.
With the permission cf.colors you can use color codes in your messages.
Requirements: If you want to use placeholders from PlaceholderAPI you need it on your server. ** Commands: /chatformatter** - Reloads the plugin** /cf** - Reloads the plugin
Permissions: cf.reload - To reload the plugin with /cf cr.colors - To use color codes in messages
# Plugin default Placeholders:
# {name} - Username of the player.
# {displayname} - Displayname of the player.
# {world} - Name of the world the player is in.
# {message} - Message that the player has sent.
# ----------------------------------------------
# The Chat format: [You can use the plugin placeholders or you can use placeholders form PlaceholdersAPI]
ChatFormat: '{displayname}&r: {message}'
# -------------------------------------------------------
# The plugin messages:
reload: '&7[&9ChatFormatter&7] &aSucessfully reloaded the plugin'
noperms: '&7[&9ChatFormatter&7] &cYou do not have the permission for that'
- 1000
- 500
- 200
- 100
- 50 ✔️
- 20 ✔️
- 10 ✔️
Thanks to everyone how uses this plugin!
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