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Design, construct, battle, and conquer using crafts composed of Minecraft blocks

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**For a video showing the capabilities of the plugin, within the context of an action orientated web series, click here: @YouTube

A Brief Description** Movecraft is a plugin that players to build crafts out of minecraft blocks. These crafts can then be piloted, moved around, and taken into battle with each other. Hence the name MoveCraft.

Troubleshooting, Error Reporting Please use the github issues section to report errors as well as for troubleshooting. Also, check out the wiki to see if the information you're looking for already exists.

Credit Movecraft was first created by Yogoda for hMod. It was than maintained for several years by BaccaYarro's (AKA: Loraxe42) until it was handed off to cccm5 before she handed it off to the Airship Pirates Development Team, lead by TylerS1066.

Here is a brief summary of Movecraft features:

Control Method Options

  • Sign and Pilot Tool
  • Sign only
  • Direct Control (the players movements control the craft)
  • Misc Commands - /manoverboard, /release, etc
  • Remote Signs to remotely activate command signs from other parts of the ship (Turn turrets, launch torpedoes, etc)

Craft Options

  • Basic craft configuration options including size, speed, allowed block types, required blocks, etc
  • Customizable Cruise Control to keep the craft moving forward
  • Customizable Fuel Burning behavior
  • Customizable sinking/crashing behavior including smoke, explosion on impact, and uncontrollable dives
  • Restricting motion to horizontal or vertical planes
  • Customizable "Hover" land contour following behavior for cars and surface vehicles
  • Allow travel through water and anything else (or forbid it)
  • Crafts that explode when they collide with things for ramming or torpedoes
  • Repair signs to repair your ship, requires mats, and can require a fee.

For a comprehensive list of CraftType settings, check out the page on the wiki.

Server Options

  • Customizable Pilot Tool for craft control (or you can disable it to force sign only movement)
  • Man Overboard timeout to allow anyone who falls out of a craft to get back in it

And many more, check out the wiki.

Permissions For an extensive list of permissions, check the wiki.

Dependencies & Addons Movecraft does not require any other plugin to function. However, many Addons have been written to expand the functionality of the base plugin.

Official Server The official home server of Movecraft is the Airship Pirates World server. This is based on the setting of the Airship Pirates YouTube series, which was produced by BaccaYarro.

You can find the forums here: http://bit.ly/JoinAP-Forums

Localization Localization is fully integrated into Movecraft. Locale can be set inside the config.yml.


Published onJune 4, 2023
