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A library to make fully custom bosses

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BossLibrary was made for developers wanting to create amazing custom bosses with amazing attacks, I suggest you to read the code if you have any issues with the library as most of the methods have comments explaining what do they do

Using BossLibrary




dependencies {

Add the plugin to your server

How to use

All the important classes extend BaseEntity so here is that class in a nutshell

  • Constructor location = spawn location
  • Uses item displays for entity scheduler
  • Has a cancel method that gets called when the entity dies or despawns

How to create a boss

  • Extend CustomBoss and set the spawn location and health
  • Construct a hitbox using CustomHitbox and make that it teleports with the boss
  • Do something in the tick method
  • Make a class that implements CustomBehavior and do something there
  • Use CustomBoss#SetBehavior and make an instance of the class implementing CustomBehavior
  • Use whatever you want to switch behaviors if anything happens
  • Use BoneBuilder to create an itemDisplay and make the model data for it to display a 3d model of a part of the boss
  • Make something fancy with a lot of bones
  • Finally, create an instance of the class extending CustomBoss somewhere

How to create a projectile

  • Extend CustomProjectile and set the spawn location and contact damage
  • Get the bone builder of it and make a 3d model of the projectile as how you did with the boss
  • Do something in the tick method to make it move
  • Make an instance of it, usually inside a custom behavior class
  • Watch how your projectile moves

How to create a hitbox

  • Inside your CustomBoss construct a CustomHitbox and adjust it as necessary
  • teleport your hitbox with your boss or just leave it there
  • Press F3 + B inside Minecraft to see your hitbox, it is an interaction entity

Useful methods

Inside BossUtils you can find some methods that may help you, use them if you want


CategoryDeveloper Tools
Published onApril 1, 2024

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