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Best, Paper-Native Quest Plugin ✅ Better than "Quests" ⭐ Tasks ⭐ Multi-Path Objectives & Sub-Objectives ⭐ Conversations

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Alessio released NotQuests version 5.15.0 on May 7, 2023

  • [+] Support Minecraft 1.19.4 (Thanks to @BakaAless )
  • [+] Drop Spigot support completely. This reduces the jar size!
  • [+] Add AND and OR to boolean conditions (Thanks to @BakaAless )
  • [^] return warning when using /qa editor command
  • [!] Prevent unnecessary quest saves during plugin load. This should increase the load speed of NotQuests, especially if you have many Quests
  • [!] fix OtherQuest objective task description not displaying the displayname of the other Quest
  • [!] fix typo in Quest chat preview
  • [!] fix conversation focus distance check erroring when player is in different worlds
  • [!] fix QuestOnCooldown variable not working
  • [@] Update a bunch of translations


Published onMay 7, 2023


Paper Paper (1.19.4)