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A plugin to do what it says, format chat in a simple, clean and efficient way

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This plugin does what it says in the name. It will allow you to format chat according to your own needs with a simple config file. The plugin works on a seperate thread from the main server one so it does not affect server performance at all. All data is also cached so as to save even more on performance.

How to use

Simply, download and drag the plugin into your plugin's folder. Thereafter run the server once and a config file will generate.

How to use the new commands?

  • Do /formats add <group|player> <group-name|player-name> <format> to add a new format

    Ex: /formats add group default <prefix><red><displayname><suffix><gray>: <white><message>

  • Do /formats remove <group|player> <group-name|player-name> to remove an existing format

    Ex: /formats remove group default


  • LuckPerms: The plugin only supports groups with luckperms for now.
  • PlaceholderAPI: Although not required, you can use placeholder api's placeholders in your message formats

How to format

For formatting this plugin uses MiniMessage To test out what your formatted message would look like, you can use this amazing tool provided by the developers of MiniMessage -> MiniMessageViewer

Sample config

    "luckPermsGroup": "default",
    "messageFormat": "<prefix> <displayname><suffix><gray>:<white><message>"

This is the default generated config.

Config is a simplistic json file

Just input the name of the group or even the uuid of the player you want to have the formatting done for into the luckPermsGroup field and how you want their chat to be formatted into the messageFormat field Do note: You need to put all the tags in your format and if they are not set, they will be replaced by an empty field

Have problems or want to suggest something?

If you feel like you want a feature in this plugin or there is a bug you want to report just make an issue or contact me on discord at almanax21

Also, you can report bugs or request features on my Github


Published onAugust 11, 2023

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