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A highly customizable plugin to create custom Server Lists with MOTD, Favicon, Playercount and more.

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Andre_601 released AdvancedServerList version 5.2.1 on December 24, 2024

Styled Log messages

The plugin now makes use of the ComponentLogger provided by Kyori Adventure, allowing to have more styled messages.

This Library was implemented into Paper around 2 years ago and into Velocity 3.2.0-SNAPSHOT. This means should you be using older versions will the plugin not function properly.
BungeeCord won't use the componentlogger and therefore won't have styled log entries.

Added printBanner config option

The config.yml now has a printBanner boolean option. When set to false will the plugin no longer print the "ASL" ASCI art in the console. I personally can't see why this logo should bother you so much, but here you go if it really bothers you...

As usual should the plugin automatically create a backup and migrate the config for you.
If not present will the option default to true.

Reduced startup messages

The number of text printed in console on startup has been reduced. Some messages were removed, while others got moved into debug, meaning they only display when debug is enabled in the config.yml file.


Published onDecember 24, 2024


Paper Paper (1.20-1.21.4)
Waterfall Waterfall (1.19-1.21)
Velocity Velocity (3.2)


Waterfall Waterfall
Edit Plugin Dependencies: Waterfall
Velocity Velocity
Edit Plugin Dependencies: Velocity