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Paste, share & analyse your Minecraft logs

Report mclogs?


Server Plugin

Upload your logs to mclo.gs with a single command to analyze or share them.
Critical information like IP addresses are automatically hidden to ensure safety and privacy.
It's also possible to export old server log files, e.g. after a crash.

About mclo.gs

mclo.gs allows you to quickly share and analyze logs for Minecraft servers and clients. It highlights different log levels, removes sensitive information like IP-Addresses and detects common problems as well as version information.


The Plugin/Mod contains the following commands:

Command Arguments Description Permission Level Permission Node
mclogs Share the current server log 2 mclogs
mclogs list List server logs, crash- and network protocol error reports 2 mclogs.list
mclogs share Share a specific log, crash- or network protocol error report 2 mclogs.share

For special cases, the following commands are available:

Scenario Command Behavior
Mod installed client-side /mclogsc Handle client logs
Plugin installed on a Velocity proxy /mclogsp and /mclogsv Handle proxy logs
Plugin installed on a BungeeCord proxy /mclogsp and /mclogsb Handle proxy logs


Commands are not available to players by default. You can give players access to the commands by giving them the required permissions. Plugin servers permissions use permission nodes for fine-grained access control. The mclogs permission node is required for all other commands as well.


CategoryAdmin Tools
Published onApril 5, 2023
Supports Folia


Avatar for Aternos

