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50+ Highly customizable vanilla-like enchantments. w/ WorldGuard, Geyser, & Jobs compatibility

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50+ vanilla-like enchantments

This plugin is a total rewrite of the similar custom enchants plugin EnchantsPlus(the one by NeuroZap), who's owner unfortunately can't maintain it further. He's given me permission to publish this plugin as a rewrite of his.

EnchantsSquared aims to add a bunch of enchants without making it feel too much off from vanilla.

Every enchant is obtainable through regular enchanting with the enchantment table and combineable in anvils, as well as obtainable through villager trades and dungeon loot! Each enchant can be configured for rarity, in-game name, effect strengths, maximum levels, trade costs, etc.Enchantments are, with a random chance, added on top of the item's vanilla enchantments. By default there's a 50% chance to get 1-3 custom enchantments of a random level.

Warning! This plugin edits existing villager trades! If you don't want that for the time being, follow these steps:

  1. Download the config file from here
  2. Create a folder in your plugins folder called "EnchantsSquared" (case sensitive)
  3. Place the downloaded file in this newly created folder
  4. Set the "disable_trading" property in that file to "true"
  5. You should now be good to install the plugin
The plugin features worldguard compatibility, you can choose to disable functionality of all enchants in a region or just specific enchants using a range of new worldguard flags.

I tried making the enchants with every playstyle in mind, so the plugin features some enchants fun for PvP-ers, some fun for builders, for miners/survivalists, rangers, farmers, etc.

Also, most of the enchantments have no hard coded level limit. If you wanted to you could enchant an item with Fleeting 50 and give the wearer insane speed while wearing. Of course, only if you're an admin able to use /es enchant, players can't do this in a normal enchanting table or anvil :)

As of version 1.2-ALPHA you can now allow/disallow specific enchantments based on permissions, so if you want you can sell access to specific enchantments just as an example.

(note, this video features the original 35-ish enchantments the plugin started out with. There are some enchantments not featured in this video. This video also was recorded before the total rewrite, so your experience will probably be better now)

OLD Source Code REWRITTEN Source Code

Known plugin issues:

  • AureliumSkills has an interaction that lowers the level requirement to get max level enchantments, because EnchantsSquared defaults at requiring level 30 AS brings this below that requirement and so custom enchantments do not appear in the enchantment table. This can be fixed by lowering the required level to 25 in config.yml
  • AdvancedEnchantments also does funky stuff with the anvil, which prevents custom enchantments from EnchantsSquared being combined with items.
Have any suggestions or need help? Got any bugs or performance issues to report? Ask away in the spigot discussions page or, for a faster and more quality response, ask me in my support discord [here](https://discord.gg/duwtmyv)
the enchants

Excavation - Allows you to mine a 1x2, + shape, 3x3, or bigger area of blocks rather than just 1, effect can be cancelled by holding shift. Mine-able blocks can be configured.

Deforestation - Allows you to cut down entire trees with just 1 block mined.

Telekinesis - Allows the drops from broken blocks to be transferred directly to your inventory

Kinship - When mining an ore of the material that matches your pickaxe (diamond ore by a diamond pickaxe for example) it repairs some durability.

Sunforged - Smelts the drops from the blocks you mined, fully configurable.

Illuminated - Right clicking with an illuminated tool places a torch at the cost of some durability.

Harvesting - Right clicking on a fully grown crop will instantly harvest it and replant it.

Rapid Fire - Grants a chance to fire several arrows in rapid succession, each dealing reduced damage but stripping the target off their immunity frames allowing you to potentially deal much increased damage if you hit all your arrows. Also, each arrow can of course activate other on-hit enchantments.

Rope Dart - Hitting an enemy has a chance of "attaching a rope" to them (not visually) and pulling them closer to you after a delay.

Neutralizer - Shield enchant, when you get hit by a splash or lingering potion and you're blocking you don't get affected by it.

Potency - When drinking a potion, its strength increases while its duration decreases. Strength II for 1:30 could become Strength IV for 0:45 for example.

Vitality - You heal a % more from everything.

Vigorous - Your max HP is increased.

Plated - The item grants you additional armor value

Shielding - You have a chance to deflect a projectile that would otherwise hit you.

Steady - You gain more knock-back resistance.

Metabolism - You slowly regenerate hunger points.

Wings - You can fly for some time at the cost of durability. Flight recharges while standing on the ground.

Soul Eater - Provides some lifesteal, and gain an additional burst of health when you kill something.

Sapping - When killing an entity, it drops more EXP.

Executioner - Adds a chance for mobs like creepers, players, skeletons, to drop their head.

Shockwave - When right-clicking on the top surface of a block, it causes a shockwave that sends all surrounding mobs flying backwards. Has a cooldown and is reduced by enemy knockback protection.

Toxic - Damaging a mob or player reduces their healing by a % for a certain amount of time.

Crushing - When damaging a mob or player, if they're wearing heavy armor(iron, gold, diamond) your damage is increased by a % for each piece they're wearing.

Perforating - Identical to Crushing, except for light armors (leather, chain, diamond. Yes, diamond is much lighter than iron or gold)

Scattershot - Shooting a mob or player damages all entities in a radius around the target with a fraction of the damage.

Soulbound - Items with soulbound will not be dropped on death, and spawned back in your inventory when you respawn.

Rejuvenation - Slowly regenerates durability.

Lava Walker - Frost walker but for lava, transforms nearby lava blocks into temporary magma blocks at the cost of durability.

Basalt Skin - Grants the user fire resistance while worn/held, but also slowing them down while they're on fire.

Barbarian - Provides increased attack damage

Fleeting - Provides increased movement speed

Brittle - Reverse Unbreaking, item takes more damage. Parasitic - Slowly makes you hungrier. Burden - Makes all your movement slower.

Pact of the Berserker - Increases your damage, but you also take more damage.

As well as a number of other enchants that just give you potion effects while held/worn or give the entity you're attacking potion effects.

While held/worn:

  • Blessing gives you Luck
  • Gills gives you Water Breathing
  • Night Vision gives you... well you know.
  • Leaping gives you Jump Boost
  • Quickened gives you Haste

When damaging something:

  • Blinding might Blind the enemy
  • Concussion might Nauseate the enemy
  • Poisoning might Poison the enemy
  • Crippling might Slow the enemy
  • Weakening might Weaken the enemy
  • Withering might Wither the enemy
  • Blunt might Stun the enemy

(A stun is a combination of effects that all in all prevent the player from moving or attacking, because of its strength it should obviously have a lower duration and apply chance compared to the others)


Allows you to reload the plugin


Allows you to use /es help


Enchantments that would otherwise have a cooldown no longer have a cooldown for you.


Region flags no longer stop you from using enchantments in restricted regions


Allows you to use /es enchant to force enchant an item with a specific enchant and level

This plugin took a while to develop, so leaving a review would be massively appreciated. If you want to support me further you could donate or take a look at my other plugins :) :) :) May I suggest... ValhallaMMO?


Published onFebruary 27, 2024

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