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Get notifications from players on predefined blocks.

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This is a very simple plugin that gives a notification every time a player destroys a block that is predefined in the configuration file. This makes the work easier in the fight against players who use x-ray. The usage can be much larger than just looking for players with x-ray. There is only the imagination that sets the limits.


  • You can make the text clickable where you define which command should apply.
  • Predefine blocks you want notification on.
  • Configurable notification displayed in chat.

Command Permission Description
/blockalert notification blockalert.use Turn block notifications on and off.
/blockalert reload blockalert.reload Reloads the configuration file.
/blockalert version blockalert.use Shows you the version number.
/blockalert blockalert.use Gives you an overview of subcommands.
Permission Description
blockalert.bypass Do not receive notifications from these players.
blockalert.alert Receive block notifications.


# Define the notification that appears in chat
notification: '&7[&3Block&cAlert&7] &4%player% breaks a &b%block%'

# Define command to apply when you click on the notification
command: '/tp %location%'

# Specify the maximum block height for notifications.
block-height: 63

# Define blocks to listen to.
- diamond_ore
- emerald_ore
- spawner

# Feel free to use the placeholders %player%, %location% and %block% within this config file.


CategoryAdmin Tools
Published onJune 15, 2023

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