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# Elevator
# Set the block for use with the elevator
# Block ID can be found on this site https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/bukkit/org/bukkit/Material.html
# Set the max distance between blocks.
BlockDistance: 50
# Enable or disable particles on the elevator
EnableParticle: true
# Change the particle effect on the elevator
# Particle list can be found here https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/spigot/org/bukkit/Particle.html
ParticleType: SPELL_WITCH
# Set the amount of particles to display
ParticleCount: 20
# Change the sound when teleport
# All the sounds can be found here https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/spigot/org/bukkit/Sound.html
UsageSound: entity.enderman.teleport
# Change the sound of linked elevator blocks
ActivateSound: entity.player.levelup
# Set the block for use with the teleporter
# Block ID can be found on this site https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/bukkit/org/bukkit/Material.html
# Enable or disable particles on the elevator
EnableParticle: true
# Change the sound when teleport
# All the sounds can be found here https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/spigot/org/bukkit/Sound.html
UsageSound: entity.enderman.teleport
# Set warmup time
WarmupTime: 3
# Disable or enable plugins hook. Disabling hooks will bypass claim restrictions
GriefPrevention: true
WorldGuard: true
# Disable or enable cooldown
EnableCooldown: false
# Set cooldown time in seconds
Time: 30
# Translate cooldown message to your own language
Locale: '&cElevator is on cooldown. Please wait for another %time% seconds!'
# Set your own messages for the elevators
ElevatorUp: '&aGoing up'
ElevatorDown: '&aGoing down'
ElevatorDanger: '&4Danger! You cannot use the elevator to this location. You might die!'
ElevatorActivated: '&aThe elevator is active'
# Set your own messages for the teleporters
Danger: '&cDanger! The location is not safe!'
LinkSelf: '&cYou can''t link to the same teleporter.'
Cancelled: '&cTeleportation cancelled!'
Initialized: '&bTeleportation initialized'
Warmup: '&bPlease wait &9%time% &bseconds while the teleporter initialize! Don''t move!'
UnvalidBlock: '&cNot a valid teleporter block detected!'
Exist: '&cThis teleporter already exist!'
Unexist: '&cOne or more teleporters does not exist. Check for spelling errors.'
Added: '&eTeleporter has been added as &6%tpname%'
LinkExist: '&cOne or more teleporters are already linked.'
NoOwner: '&cYou are not allowed to link those teleporters.'
Linked: '&eYou have successfully linked teleporter &6%teleport1% &ewith &6%teleport2%'
Removed: '&eTeleporter &6%tpname% &ehas been removed'
Unlinked: '&6%teleport1% &ehas successfully unlinked with &6%teleport2%'
NoDestination: '&c%tpname% has no destination!'
ListHeader: '&e---- ====== [ &6Your teleporters &e] ====== ----'
ListNoTeleporters: '&cYou don''t have any teleporters yet'
SpecifyTeleporter: '&cPlease specify a teleporter!'
SpecifyMoreTeleporter: '&cPlease specify at least two teleporters!'
PermissionBlocks: '&cYou dont have permission to set more teleporters!'
HelpHeader: '&e---- ====== [ &6Teleporters &e] ====== ----'
HelpAdd: '&6/teleporter add &f- &eSet teleportation block'
HelpHelp: '&6/teleporter help &f- &eThis help page'
HelpLink: '&6/teleporter link &f[tpblock1] [tpblock2] - &eLink two teleportation blocks togheter'
HelpList: '&6/teleporter list &f- &eGet a list of all your teleporters'
HelpRemove: '&6/teleporter remove &f- &eRemove a teleportation block'
HelpUnlink: '&6/teleporter unlink &f[tpblock1] - &eUnlink two teleportation blocks. Only need to specify one.'
# Set your own messages for all others
Permission: '&cSorry, but you do not have permissions to do that.'

- Download the plugin
- Stop the server
- Drag the file to the servers plugin folder
- Start the server
For more information please read the Elevator wiki with more detailed information.
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