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ISeeYou can use the Replay API provided by the Leaves or Leaf to record every movement of the player in .mcpr

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Also known as ICU

GitHub release GitHub Actions CI License: MIT GitHub all releases


This plugin can only run on servers using the Leaves or Leaf cores. It is not compatible with other server cores!

The developers only guarantee that the latest stable version of the ISeeYou plugin will work properly on the * latest version* of the Leaves or Leaf core server. Compatibility with older versions is not maintained.

ISeeYou utilizes the Replay API provided by the Leaves and Leaf cores to record player actions in .mcpr format.


  • Automatic Recording: No manual operation required. By default, the plugin automatically records all players.
  • Flexible Configuration: You can configure whitelists, blacklists, and recording paths through configuration files.
  • Anti-Cheat Support: Compatible with multiple anti-cheat plugins. It automatically starts recording when a suspicious player is detected.
  • Instant Replay: You can use commands to review recent gameplay and save it in .mcpr format to the server's hard drive.

Anti-Cheat Compatibility

Name Availability
Themis Anti Cheat ✅ Available
Matrix ✅ Available
Vulcan Anti-Cheat ⚠️ Beta
AC - Negativity ⚠️ Beta
Grim Anticheat ⚠️ Beta
LightAntiCheat ⚠️ Beta


If you would like us to add support for more anti-cheat plugins, please create an issue and let us know!


Leaves Version Compatible Versions
1.20.4 v1.0.0 - v1.2.1
1.20.6 v1.2.2 - v1.3.0
1.21 v1.3.0 - v1.3.1
1.21.1 v1.3.2
1.21.3 v1.3.3 - v1.3.4


Leaf Version Compatible Versions
1.21.1 v1.3.2
1.21.3 v1.3.3 - v1.3.4



Dependency Optional
Server Leaves or Leaf Required
Themis Anti Cheat 💡 Optional
Matrix AntiCheat 💡 Optional
Vulcan Anti-Cheat 💡 Optional
AC - Negativity 💡 Optional
Grim Anticheat 💡 Optional
LightAntiCheat 💡 Optional


Before installing an anti-cheat plugin, please ensure that its required dependencies are also installed to avoid compatibility issues.

How to install

  1. Install the Plugin: Place the plugin file in the plugins directory of the Leaves or Leaf server, and restart the server.

  2. Configure Settings: Edit the plugins/ISeeYou/config.toml file to adjust recording parameters and anti-cheat settings.


# Configuration file comments:
deleteTmpFileOnLoad = true # Delete temporary files on load
pauseInsteadOfStopRecordingOnPlayerQuit = false # Pause recording on player quit instead of stopping it
# Recording save path template. Use ${name} and ${uuid} variables to replace with player name and UUID.
recordPath = "replay/player/${name}@${uuid}"
asyncSave = false # Whether to enable asynchronous saving
bStats = true # Whether to enable bStats statistics

# [pauseRecordingOnHighSpeed] Pause recording when the player is moving at high speeds
enabled = false  # Whether to pause recording during high-speed movement
threshold = 20.0  # Speed threshold (in meters/second)

# [filter] Player recording filter settings
checkBy = "name"  # Filter by player name ("name") or UUID ("uuid")
recordMode = "blacklist"  # Record mode: either blacklist or whitelist ("whitelist")
blacklist = []  # List of players not to be recorded
whitelist = []  # List of players to be recorded

# [clearOutdatedRecordFile] Clear outdated recording files
enabled = false  # Whether to enable automatic clearing of outdated files
interval = 24  # Interval in hours to clear outdated files
days = 7  # Number of days to retain outdated files

# [recordSuspiciousPlayer] Automatically record suspicious players
enableThemisIntegration = false  # Enable recording of suspicious players reported by Themis
enableMatrixIntegration = false  # Enable recording of suspicious players reported by Matrix
= false  # Enable recording of suspicious players reported by Vulcan
enableNegativityIntegration = false  # Enable recording of suspicious players reported by Negativity
enableGrimACIntegration = false  # Enable recording of suspicious players reported by GrimAC
enableLightAntiCheatIntegration = false  # Enable recording of suspicious players reported by LightAntiCheat
recordMinutes = 5  # Duration to record suspicious players (in minutes)
recordPath = "replay/suspicious/${name}@${uuid}"  # Path template for suspicious player recordings

# [instantReplay] Instant replay settings
enabled = false  # Whether to enable instant replay
replayMinutes = 5  # Duration of the replay (in minutes)
createMinutes = 1  # Interval to create a camera for replay (in minutes)
# Instant replay creates a camera every `createMinutes` and removes it after `replayMinutes`.
recordPath = "replay/instant/${name}@${uuid}"  # Path template for instant replay recordings


Enabling features like instant replay or recording suspicious players may increase server performance load.


photographer create <name> and /instantreplay commands can only be executed by players in the game, not through the server console.

photographer create <name> [location] command can be executed from the console.

Before using the /instantreplay command, ensure that the feature is enabled in the plugin's configuration file.

Command Description Example
photographer create <name> [location] Creates a camera
<name>: Camera name (5–16 characters)
[location] (optional): Camera position in x y z format. If not provided, the player's current location is used.
/photographer create MyCamera
/photographer create MyCamera <x> <y> <z>
photographer remove <name> Removes a camera
<name>: The name of the camera to be removed
/photographer remove MyCamera
photographer list Displays the list of all cameras /photographer list
instantreplay Creates an instant replay for the player executing the command /instantreplay


Building From Scratch

1. Clone the project repository
git clone https://github.com/MC-XiaoHei/ISeeYou.git
2. Compile and Build
./gradlew shadowJar

After the build is complete, you will find the ISeeYou.jar file in the build/libs directory.

Author Information

  • Lead Developer: MC-XiaoHei, Founder of ISeeYou
  • Lead Developer: CerealAxis, Responsible for ongoing maintenance and updates
  • Contributor: Cranyozen, Created the automated build CI
  • Contributor: Bluemangoo, Fixed multiple spelling errors in the README


  • This plugin can only run on servers using the Leaves or Leaf cores (and their derivatives). It is not supported on other Spigot or its derivatives (such as Paper, Purpur, etc.).
  • Please carefully read and configure the config.toml file before using the plugin to ensure it operates correctly.
  • Although there have been no reports of bugs caused by reloads, it is recommended not to use plugins like Plugman to hot-reload this plugin, as this may cause unknown issues!

Contact Us

Thank you for using the ISeeYou plugin! If you encounter any issues or have suggestions during use, feel free to submit an issue on the GitHub repository.



CategoryAdmin Tools
Published onFebruary 21, 2024
