Advanced Welcome Title
A Minecraft spigot plugin that gives you a fully customisable welcome title.
Download the latest version of the plugin and put the file into the 'plugins' folder of your Spigot Server
Here are the commands you can use to customise the welcome title:
Use /setfirsttitle [gradient number] [text] to change the first text. You can use own gradients by using "own" in gradient number. Then paste the gradient with the text in the format "minimessage".
Use /setsecondtitle [gradient number] [text] to change the second text. You can use own gradients by using "own" in gradient number. Then paste the gradient with the text in the format "minimessage".
Use /setplayercolor [color] to change the colour of the player name in the welcome title
Use /showgradientlist to show a list of all available gradients
Use /playerjoinmessage to toggle the join message on and off
You can call this command list with /help AdvancedWelcomeTitle!)