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Stop players from using an auto fishing mod.

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This plugin works by counting the amount of times a player keeps fishing from the exact same location (or within a specific distance as specified in the config). This plugin allows you to add cooldowns, messages, kick players and more.

Discord For Support + New Features: https://discord.gg/Rqmngywv57


https://i.gyazo.com/aff5148cf3f0c936fda599762dc6064a.png https://i.gyazo.com/b3de4d4863149b7d99ceff0906a3ad4d.png

# General Settings

check-for-updates: true # Check for new plugin updates

# AntiFishing Settings

# This is the max distance between the players last fishing location to count towards their anti fish total
# If disabled then it will only count the exact same spot (including mouse movement)

  enabled: false
   distance: 3 # The amount of blocks between last fishing location

# Fishing cooldown is giving a player a temporary cooldown for the amount of anti fish total

  enabled: true
   length: -1 # This is in seconds
   exploit-numbers: # This is the "anti fish total" (the amount of times they have fished from the same spot)
   - 5
   - 6
   - 7
   - 8
   - 9
   - 10
# Fishing messages is giving a player a warning message for the amount of anti fish total
  enabled: true
   message: "&cPlease move around while fishing." # This is the message they will receive
   exploit-numbers: # This is the "anti fish total" (the amount of times they have fished from the same spot)
   - 5
   - 6
   - 7
   - 8
   - 9
   - 10
# This will stop a player from fishing on these anti fish totals

  enabled: true
   exploit-numbers:  # This is the "anti fish total" (the amount of times they have fished from the same spot)
   - 5
   - 6
   - 7
   - 8
   - 9
   - 10
# This will kick a player for fishing in the same spot too many times

  enabled: true
   message: "&cYou were detected for auto fishing." # This is the message they will receive
   exploit-numbers:  # This is the "anti fish total" (the amount of times they have fished from the same spot)
   - 15
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autofishing mod hack cheat auto fish prevent hacking prevent cheating stop autofish players spigot anti cheat spigot hack spigot anti auto fish


CategoryAdmin Tools
Published onAugust 12, 2024

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