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Sick of boring blocks? Today's the day that changes, Add particles to your blocks now!

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Sick of boring blocks? Today's the day that changes, Add fancy particles to your blocks now!

Quick Links
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Developer API
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Trello Board

Supported Platforms
paper software purpur software

Partnered with ApexHosting

Initial Plugin Setup
BlockParticles as first install will come with config.yml which you can edit to your hearts content. Type /blockparticles help for a list of commands!

Features Banner
Add fancy customParticles to your blocks!
Ability to use custom heads from HeadDatabase for particles!

Support Banner
Are you confused about something? Hop by the Discord and you might just get an answer!
Please head to block-particles with your question and do not cross post.

Support Checklist

Please check to make sure that your question wasn't asked before, You can use Ctrl+F on Discord to look for past conversations.
Describe your issue in detail, Don't just make it a bread crumb trail that has to be questioned out of you.
Plugin Version i.e. BlockParticles 3.3 LATEST DOES NOT COUNT
Server Version & Server Type i.e. Paper 1.21.1 or Purpur 1.21.1 LATEST DOES NOT COUNT
Send any console errors or files you have through https://mclo.gs/ - (We don't own the website, You have to copy the link and send it.)

Discord Invite Button

BlockParticles Statistics


CategoryAdmin Tools
Published onAugust 20, 2023

Pinned Versions
