Welcome to the Hangar Open Beta. Please report any issue you encounter on GitHub!
Avatar for CrazyCrew

Add unlimited crates to your server with 11 different crate types to choose from!

Report CrazyCrates?



  1. Download the update from modrinth/hangar for your version of Minecraft.
    1. Note, Any version that is not the newest version of Minecraft is not supported.
  2. You must be using at least https://papermc.io/.
  3. The file you downloaded goes in the plugins folder.
  4. Restart the server.
  5. Create new files in the crates folder, and look at the existing files in there to help figure out how to use the plugin.
  6. Test prizes using /crazycrates debug <crate>.
  7. View the documentation @ https://docs.crazycrew.us/docs/plugins/crazycrates.

Useful Information

The latest downloads can be found @ https://ci.crazycrew.us/job/CrazyCrates/ which may contain experimental features, hot fixes and so on.

Please make sure to read our documentation thoroughly, and if you notice something is lacking. You can create a pull request to update the information for that page by hitting "Edit this page" at the bottom.

All support for the plugin is provided on Discord. If a question cannot be answered on the wiki, The next best place is to ask it in the Discord.

If you have a bug report you'd like to report. Please create an issue on Github.

If you have a feature request, Please create an issue on Github.

Data Collection

We collect anonymous statistics on how the plugin is used at https://bstats.org/plugin/bukkit/CrazyCrates/4514 and is visible to the public. If you do not want this anonymous data sent, You currently have to go to the bStats folder, and set that to false.

Crazy-Crates has been partnered with Apex Hosting for the last decade.

Apex Hosting is a well established hosting company letting you create servers for various other games such as Rust, or Palworld, and Satisfactory.

The game servers offered will get the job done for whatever crazy activity you are getting up to. Click that nifty ole link above to create your server today, You can use code APEX25 for 25% off your first month.


Published onApril 22, 2023
Supports Folia

Pinned Versions
