The plugin spawns a chest with the drops. Above the chest a hologram spawns with a countdown when the chest will disappear. When the chest disappears, the items are removed. If you empty the chest before the countdown expires, the chest will disappear. If you want to have a support for other plugins please create an issue on GitHub and maybe I will integrate the support.
Important: Please use the GitHub page to report issues, so I can fix them, instead of leaving a bad review because of it
If you need help or you have found bugs, please contact me on the discord server:
- WorldGuard, PlotSquared, RedProtect and GriefPrevention (Spawns the chest only in buildable regions)
- Native Support (Spawns a hologram above the chest with the duration before it disappears)
- ProtocolLib (Adds a block break animation)
- PAPI (Adds placeholders)
PAPI Placeholders This plugin adds the %deathchest_last_location% placeholder to PAPI. If you want to change the format or the fallback message you can change it by adding
location_format: '<x> <y> <z> <world>'
fallback_message: '&cChest not found'
to the PAPI config.yml
Permissions: deathchest.admin: Gives the permission to execute the /deathchest reload command
Chest Protection: This plugin has a thief protection that means you can specify a permission in the configuration file which protects the death chest of the player against thiefs. This is only in combination with Vault available.
# The expiration of the chest in seconds.
# You can deactivate the expiration by setting the value to -1
expiration: 600
enabled: false
permission: 'deathchest.stays-forever'
# If this feature is enabled all caught items will be dropped if the chest has expired.
drop-items-after-expiration: false
# Set this option to true if you want to protect the death chests against explosions.
blast-protection: false
# This option protects the death chest against thieves if the player has the specific permission and the thief
# not the bypass permission.
# Set the value to 'true' if you want to activate this feature
enabled: false
permission: 'deathchest.thiefprotected'
bypass-permission: 'deathchest.thiefprotected.bypass'
# To enable the expiration set the number to number greater than 0. The unit of this variable is seconds.
expiration: 0
# On this website you can find a list of all sounds which is implemented in SpigotMC
# @see
# If you want to disable the sound or the message, you can delete these options
sound: BLOCK_CHEST_LOCKED;1.0;1.0
message: |-
&cYou are not permitted to open this chest
Update the plugin to a newer version: If you want to update to newer version and you want to use the new features, you have to rename the config.yml that the plugin can create a new config file.