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Drops all experience points or converts it to exp bottles

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This plugin manipulates the dropping experience points when a player dies. Minecraft drops 7 experience points per level, but max. 100 exp. This plugin can deactivate this behavior and much more. You can configure the keep rate. That means the player drops only e.g. 75% of his experience points. You can also activate that the player drops his experience points as experience bottles.

check-for-updates: true

# Disables the natural minecraft mechanic which drops only 7 experience points per level, but maximal 100 exp
# If you enable this feature, the player will drop all experience points. Keep in mind, that could players could
# exploit this feature with the mending enchantment.
drop-all-exp: false

# This feature disables it to mend your items with the dropped experience points (including the dropped experience bottles)
# It separates also the dropped experience bottles from the normal one. That means you cannot stack it anymore with other created one.
mending-protection: false

# This feature gives the possibility to reduce the dropped experience points. If it is set to 75.0, the player will lose
# 25.0 percent of his experience points.
keep-exp-percentage: 100.0

# This feature converts the experience points to bottles. An exp bottle drops in average 7 experience points.
convert-to-bottles: false

# Do not touch this!
config-version: 0


Published onOctober 1, 2023

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