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Simple plugin to randomize player spawn point. Suitable for Normal Survival as well as Hardcore/Anarchy server!

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DeathGOD7 released UnexpectedSpawn version 0.3.1 on September 25, 2023

Added requested features and updated paper API plus fixed some minor bugs.

[New Config] (Old config needs to be deleted to generate new one)

  • added failure radius with customizable feature

    ( currently limited the numbers of tries to 5000 minimum before it adds failure radius // not customizable yet )

[New Feature]

  • added invert spawn blacklist (as requested by haha44444)

    ( also this may cause an error if only 5-10 blocks are there in the 400x400 area of the spawn area and it will continue to look for that block infinitely. so to fix that added a failure radius and specified a point where it will use the failure radius in search. and also added an upper limit (10,000 tries) for random spawn searchers where the player will be teleported to the spawn point of the world. )

[Bug Fix/Update]

  • fixed/removed the adventure native chat formatter as it wasn't used much. Added ChatColor
    (legacy method. supposed to work in all Minecraft versions)
  • added more debuggers to the plugin so it's easier to debug when an error comes up.

Update 0.3.1 : https://github.com/DeathGOD7/unexpectedspawn-paper/pull/15
Full Changelog : https://github.com/DeathGOD7/unexpectedspawn-paper/compare/0.3.0...0.3.1


Published onSeptember 25, 2023


Paper Paper (1.8-1.20.2)


Paper Paper
Edit Plugin Dependencies: Paper