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Avatar for DenizenScript

Scriptable Minecraft!

Report Denizen?

Denizen is a very high power script engine for Paper-enabled Minecraft servers.

Hey! Please join us on Discord https://discord.gg/Q6pZGSR if you use Denizen. All of our official resources are centered around the Discord.

Additional relevant links found here: https://denizenscript.com/

BEGINNER'S GUIDE (NEW USERS START HERE): https://guide.denizenscript.com/

Also, Join the Discord! You can ask for help here, or just chat with the developers and other users: https://discord.gg/Q6pZGSR

Features include:

  • Full high power yet easily learned scripting language!
  • An extension for VS Code with syntax highlighting, error checking, etc. to make script writing simple and easy!
  • If you really want to, you can write scripts with any text editor OR even write temporary scripts directly in-game!
  • The full power of a Minecraft server exposed, not even limited to what standard plugins can access through the API!
  • Powerful direct integration with Citizens, as well as many other popular plugins (see Addons section below)!
  • Rapid development for new features and bug fixes!
  • Powerful and capable enough to even replace major plugins like WorldGuard/Essentials/LibsDisguises/etc. entirely using scripts if you wanted to!
  • A detailed full guide from beginner to pro (see guide link above)!
  • Completely open source (see GitHub link above)!
  • Very friendly and helpful support (see Discord link below)!
  • And so much more!

DISCORD (JOIN US!) You can ask for help here, or just chat with the developers and other users: https://discord.gg/Q6pZGSR

Forums: https://forum.denizenscript.com/

GITHUB SPONSORS (Support us!): https://github.com/sponsors/mcmonkey4eva

Donate (for those that don't like GitHub Sponsors): https://one.denizenscript.com/donate

BEGINNER'S GUIDE (NEW USERS START HERE): https://guide.denizenscript.com/

Meta docs for experienced users: https://meta.denizenscript.com/

Support is on Discord: https://discord.gg/Q6pZGSR

Stable builds: https://ci.citizensnpcs.co/job/Denizen/

Developmental builds: https://ci.citizensnpcs.co/job/Denizen_Developmental/


CategoryAdmin Tools
Published onDecember 24, 2022
