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✔️ Beautify your chat with hovers, clickable messages and more!

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This plugin requires PlaceholderAPI and Vault to run!

🌌 Preview:

1 2

✨ Features:

  • PlaceholderAPI Support
  • MiniMessages Support with Legacy Colors Support!
  • Template System
  • Custom Placeholders System
  • Per-permission MiniMessages Tags (see permissions below)

🔑 Permissions:

Permission Access
chatformatter.decorations.* <bold>, <italic>, <underlined>, <strikethrough>, <obfuscated>
chatformatter.decorations.bold <bold>
chatformatter.decorations.italic <italic>
chatformatter.decorations.underlined <underlined>
chatformatter.decorations.strikethrough <strikethrough>
chatformatter.decorations.obfuscated <obfuscated>
chatformatter.reset <reset>
chatformatter.gradient <gradient>
chatformatter.hover <hover>
chatformatter.click <click>
chatformatter.insertion <insertion>
chatformatter.font <font>
chatformatter.transition <transition>
chatformatter.translatable <lang>
chatformatter.selector <selector>
chatformatter.keybind <key>
chatformatter.newline <newline>
chatformatter.color.* <red>, <blue>, etc.
chatformatter.legacycolor &c, &4, &l, etc.
chatformatter.color.black <black>
chatformatter.color.dark_blue <dark_blue>
chatformatter.color.dark_green <dark_green>
chatformatter.color.dark_aqua <dark_aqua>
chatformatter.color.dark_red <dark_red>
chatformatter.color.dark_purple <dark_purple>
chatformatter.color.gold <gold>
chatformatter.color.gray <gray>
chatformatter.color.dark_gray <dark_gray>
chatformatter.color.blue <blue>
chatformatter.color.green <green>
chatformatter.color.aqua <aqua>
chatformatter.color.red <red>
chatformatter.color.light_purple <light_purple>
chatformatter.color.yellow <yellow>
chatformatter.color.white <white>
chatformatter.reload /chatformatter reload
chatformatter.receiveupdates receive update announcements for this plugin


#    ____ _           _   _____      ChatFormatter       _   _            
#   / ___| |__   __ _| |_|  ___|__  _ __ _ __ ___   __ _| |_| |_ ___ _ __ 
#  | |   | '_ \ / _` | __| |_ / _ \| '__| '_ ` _ \ / _` | __| __/ _ \ '__|
#  | |___| | | | (_| | |_|  _| (_) | |  | | | | | | (_| | |_| ||  __/ |   
#   \____|_| |_|\__,_|\__|_|  \___/|_|  |_| |_| |_|\__,_|\__|\__\___|_|   

# Do you want to receive updates about new versions of ChatFormatter?
receiveUpdates: true

# Chat format for ranks (Vault) Support mini-messages and legacy colors

# We're recommending to use webui for mini-messages: https://webui.adventure.kyori.net/

# documentation is here: https://docs.adventure.kyori.net/minimessage/format.html

# You can check LuckPerms setup and placeholders here: https://luckperms.net/wiki/Placeholders
# Example usages:
# Hover message:
# One line: <hover:show_text:'<red>test'>TEST
# Multiple lines: <hover:show_text:'<red>test'>Test<newline>Test2</hover>
# Click message:
# Open URL: <click:open_url:'https://webui.adventure.kyori.net'>TEST</click>
# Run command: <click:run_command:/say hello>Click</click> to say hello
# Suggest command: <click:suggest_command:'/msg {displayname}'></click>
# RGB and gradient message usage: 
# <color:#ff00ee>Example message</color>
# <gradient:#ff00ee:#f79459>Example message</gradient>
# You can use three more internal placeholders: <displayname> <name> <message>
defaultFormat: "{displayname} » {message}"

# Here you can set different formats for each rank.
# Remember! Rank name must be exactly the same as in you permission plugin configuration.
# If player have more than one rank remember to correctly setup rank weight configuration
  default: "{member} &7$hoverName({displayname}) &8» <gradient:#d4d4d4:white>{message} "
  vip: "{vip} &f$hoverName({displayname}) <dark_gray>» <gradient:#ffd270:white>{message}"
  mod: "{mod} &f$hoverName({displayname}) <dark_gray>» <gradient:#a3ff9e:white>{message}"
  admin: "{admin} &f$hoverName({displayname}) <dark_gray>» <gradient:#bac8ff:white><b>{message}"
  owner: "{owner} &f$hoverName({displayname}) <dark_gray>» <gradient:#ff9195:white><b>{message}"

# Placeholders, it allows you to make a shorter text, you can use some prefixes, characters etc. 
# You can use here PAPI placeholders.
  {displayname}: "<displayname>"
  {name}: "<name>"
  {message}: "<message>"
  {member}: "<#6e6764>Member"
  {vip}: "<gold>VIP"
  {mod}: "<b><#00c900>Mod</b>"
  {admin}: "<b><#6e86ff>Admin</b>"
  {owner}: "<b><gradient:#c40000:#e04b4b>Owner</b>"
  {rankDescription}: "<dark_gray>Rank: <white>%vault_group%"
  {joinDate}: "<dark_gray>Joined: <white>%player_first_join_date%"
  {health}: "<dark_gray>Health: <red>%player_health%"
  {lvl}: "<dark_gray>LVL: <gold>%player_level%"
  {privateMessage}: "<gradient:#36ff39:#75ff75><i>Click to send private message</i></gradient>"

# This section is made for experienced users
# It is used to shorten the text even more and keep the clean file!
  - "$hoverName($name) -> '<hover:show_text:'<dark_gray>Name: <white>$name<br><br>{rankDescription}<br>{joinDate}<br>{health}<br>{lvl}<br><br>{privateMessage}'><click:suggest_command:'/msg {displayname} '>{displayname}</click></hover>'"


Published onDecember 11, 2023

Pinned Versions


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