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✔️ Enchance your combat system with EternalCombat!

Report EternalCombat?

Supports Paper Supports Spigot

Patreon Website Discord

Gradle Java


EternalCombat has been tested on Minecraft versions 1.17.1 to 1.21.1, but it should work on most other versions. If you encounter any compatibility issues, please report them in the Issues tab. The plugin requires Java 17 or later, so please make sure it is installed on your server.


EternalCombat supports PlaceholderAPI, which allows you to use placeholders in other plugins that support it. To use placeholders, follow PlaceholderAPI's instructions and use the placeholders provided by EternalCombat. Provided placeholders:

  • %eternalcombat_opponent% - Returns the name of the player with whom the player is fighting.
  • %eternalcombat_opponent_healths% - Returns the number of minutes remaining until the player is no longer in combat.
  • %eternalcombat_remaining_seconds% - Returns the number of seconds remaining until the player is no longer in combat.
  • %eternalcombat_remaining_millis% - Returns the number of milliseconds remaining until the player is no longer in combat.

If the player is not in combat, the placeholders will return an empty string. If combat was not caused by other player, opponent placeholders will return empty string.


Build EternalCombat using:

./gradlew shadowJar

Permissions for EternalCombat

  • eternalcombat.status - Allows to check if the player is in combat /combatlog status <player>
  • eternalcombat.tag - Allows to create fights between two players /combatlog tag <first_player> <optional_second_player>
  • eternalcombat.untag - Allows to remove player from fight /combatlog untag <player>
  • eternalcombat.reload - Allows to reload plugin /combatlog reload
  • eternalcombat.receiveupdates - Allows you to receive notifications about the new version of the plugin when attaching

Developer API

1. Add repository:

with Gradle:

maven {
    url = uri("https://repo.eternalcode.pl/releases")

with Maven:

  <name>EternalCode Repository</name>
2. Add dependency:

with Gradle:


with Maven:



We welcome all contributions to the EternalCombat project! Please check out contributing for more information on how to contribute and our code of conduct

Reporting Issues

If you find an issue with the plugin, please report it in the Issues tab. Please provide as much information as possible, including the version of Minecraft and the plugin you are using, as well as any error messages or logs


Published onDecember 11, 2023

Pinned Versions
