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A Minecraft-Plugin which allows you to add commands and put them optionally in a gui.

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LogicSimpleCommands Plugin

LogicSimpleCommands is a versatile and easy-to-use plugin for managing custom commands and inventories in your Minecraft server. This plugin allows server administrators to define commands and inventories directly from a configuration file, making it simple to customize and extend server functionality without needing to write additional code.

Get the latest dev version here: https://jenkins.codearray.dev/job/LogicSimpleCommands/
Support: https://logic.codearray.dev/discord


  • Dynamic Command Registration: Define commands in config.yml and have them automatically registered when the server starts.
  • Custom Inventories: Create and manage custom inventories with items, actions, and more, all configurable via config.yml.
  • Permissions Support: Assign permissions to commands to control access.
  • Aliases: Define aliases for commands to provide multiple ways to execute the same command.
  • Reloadable Configuration: Easily reload the configuration without restarting the server using the /lsc reload command.


  • Example configured inventory / menu



Define your commands in the config.yml file:

  - command: "discord"
    description: "Join our Discord server"
    usage: "/discord"
    aliases: ["dc"]
    permission: "lsc.discord"
    text: "Join our Discord server at discord.gg/example"
  - command: "store"
    description: "Get the Store link."
    usage: "/store"
    permission: "lsc.shop"
    text: "Visit our shop at example.com/store"
  - command: "links"
    description: "View all our links"
    usage: "/links"
    permission: "lsc.links"
    inventory: "links"


CategoryAdmin Tools
Published onSeptember 13, 2024

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