Arbitrary Portals allows players to create nether portals of all different shapes and sizes, removing the needless rectangular restriction imposed by the vanilla game.
Build a portal frame in any shape you want (even containing holes), and then light it as normal! By default, the frame must be made of Obsidian, contain at least 6 blocks inside (like Vanilla's smallest 2x3 portal) and not be larger than 21x21 inside (Vanilla's maximum portal size) All of these options are configurable! See the Config section below for more information
Commands and Permissions
description: Reloads the ArbitraryPortals config file
usage: /arbitraryPortalsReload
permission: arbitraryPortals.reload
# The maximum dimensions of the portal (default: 21 from largest Vanilla 21x21 portal)
maxWidth: 21
maxHeight: 21
# The total portals blocks inside a portal (default: 6 from smallest Vanilla 2x3 portal)
minPortalSize: 6
# List of blocks that can be used to build a nether portal
# Needs to be a valid material from https://jd.papermc.io/paper/1.20/org/bukkit/Material.html
While this plugin closely resembles Xisumavoid's "Custom Nether Portals" datapack, I actually started work on this months before he released his, and had the idea for years before that. Still, though, all of the Vanilla Tweaks datapacks are awesome and everyone should definitely check them out https://vanillatweaks.net/picker/datapacks/[/list][/size]
Category | Gameplay |
Published on | September 2, 2023 |
License | Unspecified |
Downloads | 62 |
Stars | 0 |
Watchers | 0 |